What helps menstrual cramps

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Womens Health Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What helps menstrual cramps”,you can compare them.

A warm bath filled with aromatherapy or a heating pad on your lower abdomen and back is often helpful for relieving cramps. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-helps-menstrual-cramps ]
More Answers to “What helps menstrual cramps
What helps with menstrual cramps?
It sounds as if you are looking for good home remedies instead of medication like Midol and Pamprin. From an in depth survey on menstrual cramps it was revealed that the most popular remedy was heat. Heating pads, hor water bottles, heat pa…
How to Relieve Menstrual Cramps
Cramps are caused by the contraction of the uterus during menstruation and vary in intensity from mild to debilitating. Tags: vitamin cramps pain howt
What food helps menstrual cramps?
MMM i’ve heard that fruits and ice cream help… I like both so i eat them.. Try it! =)

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Is it true that if a female masturbates it helps her menstrual cramps go away?
Q: I was just wondering because I was reading something on the internet the other day and it says that masturbating helps relieve menstrual cramps.
A: Yes, it is true. An orgasm releases muscle tension.
What helps with menstrual cramps?
Q: What helps with menstrual cramps? I would like to know something simple I could do since I don’t leave the house that often.
A: It sounds as if you are looking for good home remedies instead of medication like Midol and Pamprin. From an in depth survey on menstrual cramps it was revealed that the most popular remedy was heat. Heating pads, hor water bottles, heat patches (Therma Care) and hot baths. The next was applying pressure to the abdomen where it hurts, such as pressing on it, massaging it or laying on a pillow or soft object. Also popular was mild exercise such as yoga, stretching and bending. Hot drinks such as tea and eating bananas seemed to work well also. Rounding it out were ointments like Tiger Balm, Myoflex, Menastil, etc. Good luck with your cramps.
What tea or natural herb helps with menstrual cramps and breaks down the blood clots?
Q: I know men don’t like to hear about these things but i need to know! LOL
A: Actually, calcium and B complex are about the best things you can take to help with that sort of thing – but they take a while to get into your system (in other words, it will take a month before you notice anything, and 3 months before the optimal effect is reached)Here are gobs of peer-reviewed medical journals on the subjecthttp://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=calcium+PMS&hl=en&lr=
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