What helps ease cramps

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Take a hot bath or place a hot water bottle on your stomach and lower back. Relax muscles. Breathe deeply listen to soothing music [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-helps-ease-cramps ]
More Answers to “What helps ease cramps
Is there any kind of food or drink that helps ease cramps ??
They have PMS tea but I think you have to drink like 10 cups of it a day. Just take some Midol.
What can I do to help ease the pain of cramps and backache during…?
you need to talk to her about it. if your cramps are bad enough to keep you from going to school for 2-3 days, you need to see a doctor. more than likely they will put you on the pill. it really helps cut down your cramps and can make your …
What foods help ease cramps ?
Potassium rich foods will make your cramps ease, but not much. Chocolate, caffeine, salty foods, greasy foods, fried foods, and fatty foods will make your cramps worse.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What natural remedies helps ease cramps?
Q: Like teas and things like that.
A: Heating pad and I drink hot tea – prefer orange pekoe or black – better to use herbal especially herbal with chamomile (herbal has no caffeine). Walking is the only thing that I find that really helps, but sometimes I need to walk so far that later I have leg cramps!
Are there natural remedies to ease menstrual cramps?
Q: I get awful cramps that cripple me! All I can do is curl up in bed and try to ease the pain but it doesn’t ease up at all. I get terrible nausea at the same time, so any pain killers I take are thrown back up before they can help! Are there any natural remedies I can take before the pain and nausea kicks in? I need help!Hey doctor’s wife, do you take this everyday, or just in the days before your period or just on your due date, it sounds great! x
A: I get really awful cramps too.1st of all I swear by peppermint tea. I drink it all day when its that time of the month. its supposed to be helpful with stomach pains and seems to work for me. if nothing else at least the warm tea in your belly is soothing and relaxing.absolutely don’t take a hot bath or shower. its common sense that cold water clots blood right? well hot does the exact opposite.you don’t want too much hot water in your ‘personal area’ during this time of month, it will make your flow worse and heavier. of course you need to shower but keep the water just warm and don’t stay in there and soak for hours.instead I just get an old plastic water/soda bottle and fill it with very hot sink water, screw on the cap and place the bottle over my lower abdomen with something light (like a cotton tee shirt) in between my skin and the bottle. that way I don’t burn my skin. this seems to work really well. better than any store bought water bottles…try drinking some hot tea, making a hot water bottle and taking a light nap…this usually helps. I end up watching movies all day in my sweats and eating junkfood lol. if all else fails…go on the pill
is there any kind of food or drink that helps ease cramps ?
A: They have PMS tea but I think you have to drink like 10 cups of it a day. Just take some Midol.
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