What happens when you tear your meniscus in your knee

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A meniscus tear is a common knee injury. The meniscus is a rubbery, C-shaped disc that cushions your knee. A torn meniscus MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-when-you-tear-your-meniscus-in-your-knee ]
More Answers to “What happens when you tear your meniscus in your knee
What happens if I don’t get knee surgery for a torn meniscus??
Get as much resource as you can maybe is one option,however it could be quite time consuming,here http://www.HealthInsuranceFree.info is one resource i have had good experience.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Meniscus tear knee–if you have it what are symptoms?
Q: I seem to have classic symtoms–when it occurs it is so painful Icannot walk but after rest and advil it suddenly goes away. Seems like if was a tear it would not just disappear but it does. It occurs when my leg is fully bent–squatting to pick up something–and then I twist slightly when extending the legs to stand up. Only happens in one knee though.
A: Another typical symptom of a meniscus tear, or even just a partial tear is knee buckling. While walking down the street your knee my buckle or “give out” out but just for that step. Usually no pain is involved but still uncomfortable. I had a partially torn meniscus several years ago. The pain wasn’t too bad but the buckling was constant until I went to the docs.
What happens if I don’t get knee surgery for a torn meniscus?
Q: It’s almost been 2 years since I’ve torn my meniscus in a skateboarding accident. I still don’t have any medical insurance to get knee surgery and I feel as if me just skating on flat ground is a waste of time now. I really want to start skating off of stuff again. Does anyone know if a torn meniscus is really a major problem or is it a minor one?
A: go to the doctor for the love of god.
Does my meniscus tear (knee) require surgery?
Q: About 3.5 weeks ago, I twisted my knee pretty hard. I couldn’t put any weight on it at all, and it was very painful to extend or bend it. It swelled up pretty badly too.Now, it feels about 80% better, but there is still pain when it is fully bent, fully extended, going up stairs, etc. What really worries me is that is still swollen 3.5 weeks later, about half as bad as when I hurt it… but swollen.Anyone had any experience with a meniscus tear like this? FYI, the reason I say it is a meniscus tear is because I have been to the chiropractor 4 or 5 times since it happened, and thats what he seems to think.Thanks for any and all input.
A: yes, you could have a tear, your regular doctor has to do a MRI to see for sure. Chances are your chiropractor is correct. Yes, there is surgery for it. I had some of my meniscus removed because it was in pieces. I have been going strong since it happened 7 yrs ago. But every now and then, it aches due to weather and stress. My chiropractor does make sure my knee is kept aligned and it has been ok. Eventually, the knee will have to be replaced. So get a MRI done and get a diagnoses.
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