What happens when a person has a stroke

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A mild stroke can cause little or no brain damage. A major stroke can cause severe brain damage and even death. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-when-a-person-has-a-stroke ]
More Answers to “What happens when a person has a stroke
What happens when a person loses neuron cells from a stroke??
It depends on which area of the brain or spinal cord is affected. The functions of that area will be altered or be stopped all together.
What happens is a person had a stroke and then, days later given …?
this is a link to a page about the drug i hope u find this useful http://health.yahoo.com/depression-medic…
What happens after a person has a stroke and she is in the hospit…?
Depending on the hospital, some stroke patients are put in ICU, some are put on a neurosurgery floor. It totally depends on the severity and the type of nursing care they need. If they need alot of interventions (like a central line, ventil…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What exactly happens when a person has a stroke? Is it a heart-attack or to do with the brain?
A: A stroke is sometimes called a “brain attack.” Most often, stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain stops because it is blocked by a clot. The brain cells in the immediate area begin to die because they stop getting the oxygen and nutrients they need to function. Although doctors can sometimes intervene to reduce stroke damage, in many cases the brain cells served by these blood vessels become starved and begin to die off. After the stroke, the resulting damage may impair behavior or body functions controlled by the affected parts of the brain. There are two kinds of stroke. The most common kind of stroke, called ischemic stroke, is caused by a blood clot that blocks or plugs a blood vessel in the brain. The other kind of stroke, called hemorrhagic stroke, is caused by a blood vessel that breaks and bleeds into the brain. Stroke damage in the brain can affect the entire body – resulting in mild to severe disabilities. These include paralysis, problems with thinking, problems with speaking, and emotional problems. I hope this helps
What happens after a person has a stroke and she is in the hospital in the ICU?
Q: Would a stroke victim go without food for six days and only be fed sugar water introveneously? Would a feeding tube be denied for six days following a stroke? If you could answer both questions, I would be most grateful. Also, are stroke victims placed in the ICU? I prefer a nurse or doctor or someone with a lot of health care knowledge to answer this. Thanks!
A: Depending on the hospital, some stroke patients are put in ICU, some are put on a neurosurgery floor. It totally depends on the severity and the type of nursing care they need. If they need alot of interventions (like a central line, ventillator, etc) they will probably go to some type of ICU.A stroke victim could go without food for 6 days, considering that a stroke could affect the ability to swallow. If someone has had a stroke and their swallowing was affected, they could aspirate (inhale) fluid/food into the lungs which could cause pneumonia. So that’s why they have IV dextrose. As far as denying a feeding tube: They’re not comfortable and can irritate the stomach lining and sinuses, and if the person is a possible surgical canidate, their belly would have to be empty. Its also possible that the plan is to have a swallow study done and start foods orally, in which case a feeding tube would not be necessary.IV dextrose is only a short-term solution. For the shorter-term, someone would need either a nasogastric tube (temporary), or a central line to deliver TPN (total parentral nutrition, which is IV fluids that deliver amino acids, dextrose, and fats). A long term solution would be a PEG tube (surgically placed in the abdomen), that delivers liquid food to the person; usually used for people who are in a coma or severely malnourished and unable to take oral food.
What happens when Stroke occurs?
Q: What happens on the outside when a stroke occur? Forgetting that blood vessels burst inside your brain. What happens to the person when a stroke occurs?
A: A stroke can occur any where in the brain and the effects depend on the size of the stroke and the location. The most common physical effects of a stroke are: * Weakness (hemiparesis) or paralysis (hemiplegia) on one side of the body * Poor balance or clumsy movement * Being unaware of one side of the body * Inability to perform learned movements * Problems with bladder or bowel control * Poor vision and/or changes in vision * Numbness or strange sensations * Problems performing daily activities * Seizures * Difficulty completing tasks * Difficulty with memory * Coma or death if the stroke is severeThere are also communication, mental and swallowing effects. The complete list is here – http://stroke.about.com/od/commoneffectsofstroke/p/strokeeffects.htm.Suzanne R.About.com Guide to Strokehttp://stroke.about.com
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