What happens to a girl when she is on her period

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What happens to a girl when she is on her period”,you can compare them.

When a girl is on her period, the uterus sheds the extra tissue lining. The blood, tissue, and unfertilized egg leave the uterus. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-to-a-girl-when-she-is-on-her-period ]
More Answers to “What happens to a girl when she is on her period
What happens to a girl after she gets her period??
When you get your period, you’ve reached womanhood. Which means that you can now have babies. Nothing really happens to you, you are still growing and it’s life, and us girls just have to deal with a period.
What happens when a girl has her period and she is with her boyfr…?
don’t think so. You shouldn’t be having sex unless you are ready to get pregnant!
What will happen if you sleep with a girl, while she’s on he peri…?
If she had any STDs then you most likely have them now. Blood transfers those really well. Like HIV and all that good stuff. You shouldn’t have to worry about getting her pregnant because that hardly ever happens when girls are on their per…

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A: If you are asking these questions, something tells me you are very young. I think you should wait until this is covered in school or by your mother.
What happens when a girl has her period and she is with her boyfriend?
Q: Well i have a boyfriend and i got my period today ( not the first time though ) and hes always hugging me and kissing me and grabbing my butt. And im a little worried because i have heard that girls get really horny or sumting when they have their period and are around boys, but im not really sure. So I want to know what REALLY happens when girls have their period and are with their bf?Im not thinking about sex lmao it gross 2 do it when u got ur period 😉 nd im not that younq! Is that i dont last long with guys cuz i break up fast so ive never had a bf while i had my period.
A: don’t think so. You shouldn’t be having sex unless you are ready to get pregnant!
What happens when a girl has sex while she is in her period?
Q: does this cause any problems?
A: I’ve never heard of it causing any problems. Some people avoid it because you’re a little sore during you’re period and it can get pretty messy at times. But if it doesn’t bother you or your partner there’s no reason not to 🙂
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