What happens if you swallow too much toothpaste

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If you eat too much toothpaste it will back you up and give you constipation. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-swallow-too-much-toothpaste ]
More Answers to “What happens if you swallow too much toothpaste
What happens if you swallow toothpaste?
Nothing, if you swallow a little bit. If you swallow a lot, then contact poison control immediately.
What happens if toothpaste is swallowed?
Toothpaste is not meant to be swallowed and if children under seven years of age swallow too much fluoride whilst their adult teeth are forming, there is a small risk that these teeth may develop fluorosis – a white or brown stain that form…
What happens if you accidentally swallow toothpaste??
If it’s only the amount you use for brushing…nothing. The manufacturers usually post that on their label. In other words, if you swallow an amount used for brushing, you shouldn’t have any problems, but if you go about eating the stuff, y…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What happens if you swallow toothpaste?
Q: It always says in BOLD letters on a toothpaste bottle thing to not swallow toothpaste.what happens if you do?
A: nothing muchI ate some toothpaste for a dare on a school trip and i went completely hyper! it has quite a lot of chemicals in so too much would be bad for you but it wont hurt if you only swallow your average dose.when i was a kid i always swallowed my toothpaste and im fine.
what happens if you swallow too much toothpaste?
A: ignore these wisecrack answers Nothing will happen to you you will get sick but nothing like pooing dog pooeverything will b fine
What happens if a child always swallow toothpaste?
Q: My daughter will be 3 next month. She loves to brush her teeth. I try to teach her to spit the toothpaste out like mommy. She swallows it and then spits. Of course nothing comes out because she already swallowed. Can this harm her and any ideas on how to get her to actually spit the toothpaste out?Yes I do use childrens toothpaste. And I put less than a dime size on her brush.
A: Hello,Choose a children’s toothpaste that does not contain fluoride. I have also switched to all natural toothpastes as I have discovered that many of them contain artificial sweetners? Who knew?!?!If your child gets too much fluoride, she will get white spots on their teeth. This is called fluorosis and the spots will not go away. My dentist recommends only giving fluoride drops to my son every 2-3 days (instead of everyday) because he has seen an increase in fluorosis since everyone is pushing fluoride so much.Pick a pediatric dentist and be sure to ask at your visit. If you are giving drops and your daughter is swallowing the toothpaste, you want to be sure and know what he/she recommends.As for the spitting out… can you put a cup in the bathroom and see if you can make a game out of spitting it into there? At 3, they definitely do their own thing! Good luck!Also, I use floss picks to do my kids teeth. Much easier than trying to cram my fingers in their little mouths.
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