What happens if you have a torn ligament

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When you tear a ligament- usually a doctor treats it as a sprain, and tells you to ice it and stay off it. You may have sugery. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-have-a-torn-ligament ]
More Answers to “What happens if you have a torn ligament
What is a torn ligament?
a torn ligament is where you tare a ligament and it needs to be healed by a doctor or surgin
How long does it take for a torn ligament to heal?
Keep your arm immobilised and ice the shoulder too. You should feel significantly better in a few days to a week if you keep the arm totally still. The numbness or tingling etc in your arm and hand will be from the damage to your shoulder a…
What happens with a torn ligament?
A torn ligament can heal on it’s own. I would safely state that surgery is not warranted. Wait three weeks and see if it still hurts the same. A doctor only wants surgery for his own financial gain. Get a second opinion, without saying you …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what happens with a torn ligament?
Q: what will they do about a torn ligament? i sprained my ankle last week and rehurt it and i have to go for an mri on wednesday because my doctor thinks i might have torn a ligament. what will they do about it? i`ve had people tell me i`ll have to get surgery, but i didn`t think it was that serious?
A: A torn ligament can heal on it’s own. I would safely state that surgery is not warranted. Wait three weeks and see if it still hurts the same. A doctor only wants surgery for his own financial gain. Get a second opinion, without saying you already saw another doctor.
What happens when ligament tears?
Q: What happens to your bones when you tear a ligament?What affect does it have if I play sports?
A: ok years ago i fucked up my ankle pretty bad and tore the ligaments in the ankle and now still if its cold weather or if i have the flu or pull it accidently then it gets sore and tingly. and that was 7 years ago but they dont entirelly mend properly so u could get cramp or soreness and u just have to wait till it stops hurting.
Torn ligament – what happens now?
Q: I sprained my ankle 3 weeks ago and theyve finally got around to giving it an ultrasound and theyve found a complete rupture of the ATFL.Just wondering, since its been 3 weeks and I can walk very lop-sided (and my knee feels like its about to give out because of the ankle) what will the drs do?I have an appointment today but not sure if its worth going.How will they treat it?
A: WEELLLL, when i tore my ligament, i had to wear a boot. that was just a bundle of joy. It was a walking boot, so it had a rounded bottom, and i painted it with white out, so it pretty B.A. if it’s bad enough you may have to have surgery, but i’m not sure on that. Definetly go to that appointment, It’s been a year and a half since i hurt my ankle, and it still gives me problems. but im sure it would be alot worse if i hadn’t taken care of it. OH, AAANNNNDDD, It messed up my growth plate almost a year afterward, because i did some running on it. It’s going to be a pain in the *** for a long time, so you might as well go to the docs. they will probably get you walking straight anyway. -me
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