What happens if ringworm is left untreated

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If left untreated, the ringworm (tinea corporus) fungus can quickly spread to different regions of the body. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-ringworm-is-left-untreated ]
More Answers to “What happens if ringworm is left untreated
What happens when ringworm if left untreated?
Are you sure its ringworm? If left untreated, ringworms in humans will spread to other parts of skin on and all over the body and become a long and severe problem, unless your immune system is very strong, in which case it could clear up b…
Will ringworm cause problems or maybe just go away if left untrea…?
No, ring worm is a fungal infection.It needs to be treated or it will get worse.Do you know for sure it is a ringworm? Maybe, you should have a doctor check it out.There are treatments for ring worm.Don`t ignore it.Good luck.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What happens when ringworm is left untreated?
Q: Will it eventually heal? Or just continue to spread? Are there any health risks of just leaving it be?
A: It will spread. Also, keep in mind, it’s very contagious and you could be spreading it to others. You need to go to the doctor and the doctor will prescribed a prescription strength anti-fungal cream to be applied.
what happens when ringworm if left untreated?
Q: I’ve had one spot on my leg for awhile without treating it and it hasn’t spread anywhere else , it kind of looks like it is going away but I’m worried that it could get worse without a treatment.
A: Are you sure its ringworm?If left untreated, ringworms in humans will spread to other parts of skin on and all over the body and become a long and severe problem, unless your immune system is very strong, in which case it could clear up but its unlikely that it will just be going away.You should just go see a doctor, you have nothing to lose right? Ringworm in humans can be treated over a 2-3 week period. I believe its an anti-fungal cream, so nothing serious. If you get it sooner then later, then you wont have scabs and scarring from rashes all over your skin caused by neglection.In the meantime, keep hands clean and avoid touching it,wash bed sheets more often, and drink carrot juice. I`ve heard on many occasions that carrot and other raw veggie juices are beneficial as a home remedy for ringworm. Also, tea tree oil. Its a miracle for skin disorders. Dont drink it though! Just put it on the external area over the area of infected skin.Ringworm is also a very contagious condition. You don’t want to be infecting people around you too!
Wjhat could happen if ringworm is left untreated?
Q: I have a rash on my leg that is spreading and I think is might be ringworm. The problem is I am out of the country so it is hard for me to go the doctor. What could happen if i don’t treat it? And how can I know it is ringworm for sure? I read that it is itchy, but mine isn’t.
A: The lesion are red elevated, rapidly growing ringlike sore on the skin. The center of the ring may be clear. The sore itself may contain scales, crust, or fluid-filled areas. Itching and pain may accompany the sore.If it doesn’t fit this pattern it could be nummular eczema.Only a skin scrap viewed under a microscope will be able to determine if it is truly ringworm.If you have access to a pharmacy you can get some OTC antifungal medication such as Lotrimin (clotrimazole) or Tinactin (tolnaftate) or Lotrisone(combination antifungal and steroid) will be sufficient until you get to a doctor or dermatologist.
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