What happens if a cyst is infected

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If a cyst is infected, it will become red, painful, swollen, and may drain pus. Antibiotics will help clear this up. Go ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-a-cyst-is-infected ]
More Answers to “What happens if a cyst is infected
What care is needed if my cyst is infected?
If your cyst is infected, a procedure called an incision and drainage may be done. During this procedure, a small incision (cut) is made to open the cyst and drain it. After this procedure, you will need to keep the area clean and dry. This…
Is there any kind of poultice or compound that can be used on an …?
It sounds like your cyst is infected and inflammed. A cyst like that may need to be drained. My wifes a picker…she would pick it. if someone tries to “pop it”, be extremely clean i.e. alcohol. benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid cr…
Will the ER lance & drain an infected sebaceous cyst on my ba…?
Lancing and draining the cyst will usually bring pain relief. Most of the time, they won’t prescribe anything for the pain.

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Q: hiim 33 weeks pregnant and went to see doctor as found a lump in the top of my vagina wall, quite big and very swollenanyway he told me its a cyst and infected and said i gota take a course of antibiotics.i dont really want ot take any drugs because of baby but im gonna have to. has anybody had this happen to them? and what causes cysts? ( i already have a cyst on my ovary too )thanks
A: Missyburn ! This is the common problems in women of reproductive age.Although none of the treatment methods are contraindicated in pregnant women, the increase in blood flow to the pelvic area during pregnancy may lead to excessive bleeding when Bartholin cysts or abscesses or the cyst on the vagina are treated. For this reason, surgical treatment for asymptomatic cysts should probably be withheld until after delivery. If treatment is necessary because a cyst becomes infected or the patient presents with an abscess, local anesthesia is not contraindicated, and most broad-spectrum antibiotics appear safe for use during pregnancy.{short description of image}Bartholin gland abscesses are polymicrobial for the most part and require broad-spectrum antibiotics.{short description of image}Occasionally, patients present with symptomatic Bartholin gland abscesses during labor. In this situation, it seems wise to withhold treatment until after delivery if possible, since an open labial abscess theoretically places the patient at risk for endomyometritis. Unless the abscess obstructs the vagina (soft tissue dystocia), cesarean section is not indicated.For more information visit my free websitehttp://birthdefectcauses.blogspot.comhttp://www.pregnancy-guidelines.com
my best friend recently told me that her mom got this big cyst from shaving under her arm and it is infected?
Q: wat would have caused this and is it possible for anyone to get. what does her mom need to do now to prevent it from happening againyes i think she does shave every day or at least every second day cause for the last few weeks she has worn sleeveless topsif it is an ingrown hair and its to do with shaving every day how many times should you shave within a month lets say especially when it comes to summer its difficult not to do it
A: I am sorry to be a party-spoiler but there are many reasons for such a cyst to appear some are very serious some are really nothing much except an ingrown hair.Read here:http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/sym/underarm_lump.htmhttp://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/2574.html
Question about a Polonidal Cyst?
Q: Specifically about the healing. What happens if your cyst never heals completely?? I had the surgery over a year ago and it still hasn’t completely healed up yet. I still have a hole there. It doesn’t get infected or anything like that, it’s just a hole. Any help would be much appreciated!
A: That can happen. Hopefully, that’s all that will happen. A pilonidal cyst may reoccur, even if surgically removed. Be sure to have your doctor check it out at your next appointment though to be sure everything is OK.
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