What gives you acne

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What gives you acne”,you can compare them.

Acne happens when oil glands come to life around puberty stimulated by hormones from the adrenal glands of both boys and girls. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-gives-you-acne ]
More Answers to “What gives you acne
What gives you acne?
Stress,hormones,oily skin and your genes.
What Causes Acne?
Acne is caused by the clogging of a pore, creating a whitehead or blackhead. Acne is caused when a pore fills with sebum (oil). Sebum trapped below the skin’s surface forms a whitehead. When it comes above the skin surface a blackhead forms…
Does chocolate give you acne?
Does eating chocolate really cause acne? This is the big question that almost everyone asks about acne and it has been much disputed for many years. There is hardly anyone who does not like chocolate, that is why we have always wanted to k…

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Q: My dermatologist is really good. My acne is clearing up so well. The only problem is whenever we go there to get more acne cleansers and gels and stuff, it is so expensive. We are not poor, but I just feel bad. Should I continue my regimen because it works so well, or should I try something cheaper such as ProActiv or Acnefree? I am just worried that my acne will come back if I do.
A: Hey, medicine isn’t cheap & it shouldn’t be free. Cut back on your other expenses and keep using what is working for you.
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Q: Is an urban legend which people comment about but is it true?
A: Absolutely not! If that was the case, in high school my nickname would have been “Pimplepuss” because I was the “master of all masturbators” (Yeah I know guys! We all were!). Actually no relation at all to masturbation and acne. Masturbation is normal, healthy and fun! Enjoy!
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Q: I usto always use cool/warm showers, but since winter i’ve been aiming more for hott hot showers. I noticed i’m getting more acne.. does this have somthing to do with the showers?
A: Hot showers can deffinetely play a part in the increase of acne. The hot water open you pores, but dries your skin out terribly. Stick with warm wate
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