What exactly is a panic attack

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The cause of most panic attacks is not clear, so treatment may be different for each person. They can feel like a heart attack. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-exactly-is-a-panic-attack ]
More Answers to “What exactly is a panic attack
when you have a panic attack you normally feel frightened, panicked(obv), short of breath,experience heart palpitations and faintness but real ones end with you fainting and becoming unconscious. My fiend is like you, don’t worry you aren’t…
i have them but not big ones when i have them i can’t breath its like your trying to catch your breath but you can’t and feel like you have no oxygen,my sister has them worse she has out of body experiences when she has them but there are m…
Panic attacks are very sudden, discrete periods of intense anxiety, mounting physiological arousal, fear, stomach problems and discomfort that are associated with a variety of somatic and cognitive symptoms. The onset of these episodes is t…

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What exactly does a panic attack feel like?
Q: Well, yeah I’ve read the “symptoms” for them online but I want to hear it from someone thats had one. And specifically from a phobia of some sort.Do share.
A: same as the one of above,,,,,,i hope i’m not dying that what i thinkmy heart starts to beat soo fast i think it’s gonna be a heart attack…my muscles twitch all over and i get headaches.what can we do?
What exactly is a panic attack?
Q: What are they or at least what do you do when you have one?
A: i have them but not big ones when i have them i can’t breath its like your trying to catch your breath but you can’t and feel like you have no oxygen,my sister has them worse she has out of body experiences when she has them but there are more signs which am sure other people will answer for you
Whats exactly is a ‘panic attack’ and what are the symptoms?
Q: Last night, i was woken up at about midnight because some kids were outside my house, yelling, fighting, etc. To be completely honest, i was pissed off, because i had to be up in a few hours. I went outside yelling at them, then went back inside, mad as ever. I layed back down. Then my cheast really started to hurt, and i felt heart palpitations. I could tell my heart was racing, and it hurt. It took me a good deal to calm down and fall asleep. Is this a panic attack or something? This has never happened to me before
A: been there………you didnt have a panic attack, but your blood pressure most likely sky rocketed!!! The result is chest pains, shortness of breath, kinda tight around your chest. You were pissed, REALLY pissed.
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