What else causes UTI

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Another cause of bladder infections or UTI is waiting too long to urinate & changing sexual partners. Claus. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-else-causes-uti ]
More Answers to “What else causes UTI
Did amoxillin for a UTI cause anyone else’s head to be throbbing …?
For such a common problem, it’s hard to believe that a urinary track infection is one of the most painful illnesses one can experience. It is a pain that can keep you from even the simplest routine activities. This article will talk about t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What else causes UTIs symptoms?
Q: I have symptoms of a UTI ( urinary tract infection) but if my doctor calls me today and tells me the urine test was negative for a UTI, then what else could it be?I did use a new brand of lube with my bf over the weekend, had a bad reaction to it instantly but ignored it! Could this cause UTI symptoms? If you know of any possible causes, please type then out!
A: It could be a reaction to the lube, or it could be that the area is rubbed raw from overuse (sometimes called “honeymoon-itis”) and that could cause UTI type symptoms without actually being an infection. Put some neosporin on it and give it a rest for a couple of days. Also, (the bad news) cold sores on the lip are called oral herpes, and it’s possible to catch genital herpes if someone with a cold sore goes down on you. Get a test for it if you’re worried. A bad yeast infection can also look like an std. But, it’s very possible that the urethra got irritated from too much action. This could make it hurt to pee without being an infection or an std. Try a different hobby for a while! Good luck!
Did amoxillin for a UTI cause anyone else’s head to be throbbing in pain?
Q: I took one at 4:38 in the evening. You have to take it every eight hours so I took another one at at 12:38 in the morning but I woke up now and my head is throbbing in pain, but this has never happened before.
A: For such a common problem, it’s hard to believe that a urinary track infection is one of the most painful illnesses one can experience. It is a pain that can keep you from even the simplest routine activities. This article will talk about the traditional treatment method for UTI’s and why it is not ideal for long term health. A typical urinary track infection treatment plan consists of antibiotics prescribed by your doctor or other medical professional. For those are prone to recurrent infections, smaller daily or weekly doses of antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent future occurrences. Some patients suffer from a UTI after sexual intercourse (called honeymoon cystitis), and should take a dose each time prior to sex. The problem with antibiotics is that they cause a myriad of side effects that can be as painful as the UTI itself. Some of the more common side effects include headaches, stomachaches, and nausea. These don’t even take account of the serious ones, such as vomiting and yeast infections. Yeast infections, in particular, can be just as annoying as UTI’s. Also, bacteria will quickly develop resistance to the drugs. Each time you take a dose, its effect will decrease. Each decrease may or may not be noticeable, but over the long haul, you will notice a difference. When I first contracted a UTI, antibiotics prescribed to me cured my illness in less than two days. By the time I’ve had five or so reccurrences, it took more than a week of medication for my infection to go away. The most common bacteria that cause UTI’s are called E. coli. These bacteria usually live in your anus and cause no problems. However, sometimes they can reach your urethra through various means. E. coli is the culprit in over 90% of all UTI’s, and if your antibiotics suddenly stopped working, you can expect E. coli to be a major problem since they have such easy access to your urethra. Unfortunately, not only does using antibiotics present the above negative effects, you don’t need me to tell you that long term use of drugs can be detrimental to your health. It’s like sticking foreign substances into your body day in and day out. Plus, that’s not even counting the dollars spent on doctor visits and drugs. I always believed that money came second to health, but there came one point in time when I simply couldn’t afford any more doctor visits, which was running at several hundred dollars a month. But as luck would have it, I discovered a way to naturally fight against UTI’s, and now I spend no more than $20 a month.   Click here for a complete report on how to beat a UTI with all natural urintary track infection remedies.  UTI
Anyone else had a UTI cause pain?
Q: I had an infection that caused me to lose my baby in Jan, but that was an infection of the amniotic fluid.I have now been on the phone to a midwife as I’ve got similar symptoms (22 weeks pregnant again) I am wondering what your symptoms were like?I am having to take 3 hours off work to go to the Doctors, but I think I should take the full day off as the pains are worse when walking.. What would you do?If it’s not a UTI what else could it be? I’m seeing my doc at 3.30Thanks xx
A: I’m not sure what else it could be hunni, but wanted to let you know that I will be thinking of.Take the whole day off, go to the doctors and then just head home and rest. Hope you feel better soon xxx
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