What does the infection look like

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What does the infection look like”,you can compare them.

The common symptoms of vaginitis are itching, burning, and vaginal discharge that is different from the normal secretions. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-the-infection-look-like ]
More Answers to “What does the infection look like
What does an infection look like?
The first indication that a hobbyist has that a colony is infected with the parasites is usually a loss of color. The colony will loose its colored tips (if it has them), and in general turn a very pale color. Upon close inspection, even wi…
How A Yeast Infection Looks Like
A yeast infection starts when the population of yeast in our skin grows more than there normally is. Yeast loves warm, moist places and our body has a lot of these. Most susceptible to infections are our underarms, groin area, skin folds an…
Can a bone tumor look like a bone infection and vice versa??
Well sometime the image may look like an infection…but it must be coincidence… by the way i think that if it was an infection your doctor must have known it. Cause what i know about tumour and infection is differ in it’s aspiration flui…

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What does yeast infection look like for baby boys?
Q: My son has 2 red areas that i thought was a rash until i asked a question earlier and someone suggested it may be a yeast infection. There is an area above his penis, its bright red and kinda circular with little red dots around it..then the other is on the side of his testicles it looks the same. It looks really red and painful but it doesn’t even seem to be bothering him? Do you think it’s a yeast infection or just a rash?
A: It could be a rash..use baby vasilin on him while changing each diapers and you can also use rash treatments for babies.
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Q: Ok so i ahve lip piercing now but i just wanna know what they look like so i can tell what they might look like. Anyone know?
A: Theres tenderness or soreness to the touch, usually redness, yellow/green pussy stuff that turns to crusty stuff when dried. To fix- use sea salt in warm water put it on a cotton ball and let it absorb. Also, use a non alcohol based mouth wash and make sure its staying clean!
What does the beginning of a staph infection look like?
Q: I don’t think its a staph infection, but im not sure. I had a red bump about the size of a mosquito bite with a small amount of puss in the middle. Is it staph?
A: Not likely, but possible.
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