What does that mean If you bleed in between periods

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If it is more than just a few spots, you might have menorrhagia and should see your doctor or gynecologist. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-that-mean-if-you-bleed-in-between-periods ]
More Answers to “What does that mean If you bleed in between periods
What does it mean if you bleed between periods?
well, with me it doesn’t mean a thing, made me freak out though, and i’m 15. i believe it depends on how old you are, it also depends on what you did when the blood came aka if you know what caused it it could be your period, early or late,…
What does it mean when you bleed between periods when your on bir…?
Bleeding between periods is nothing abnormal, but if you experience a great deal of pain or are just concerned, you should consult a medical professional. If it is a major problem for you, you may want to switch pills to see if a different …
What does it mean when you bleed between periods and your on the …?
It’s call break through bleeding. It means that you are adjusting to taking new hormones or that the hormones in that pill may not be quite right for your body. It does not mean you are pregnant or at risk for pregnancy, nor does it mean th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean if you bleed between periods and did not miss any birth control pills?
Q: I have been taking YAZ for two years and never really had this happen. The past few days I have noticed that I have been bleeding lightly. I did not miss any birth control pills. The only thing I could think of is that I took a pill just a few hours late. This does not mean I’m pregnant, does it?
A: that happens to me too. my doc told me it’s perfectly normal to bleed between periods on bc pills.
what does it mean when you bleed between periods and your on the pill?
Q: ive been told that i might be pregnant is it true can i be?
A: It’s call break through bleeding. It means that you are adjusting to taking new hormones or that the hormones in that pill may not be quite right for your body. It does not mean you are pregnant or at risk for pregnancy, nor does it mean that anything is wrong with you.Call the doctor or clinic who prescribed the pills. They may want to switch you to a different dosage.
What does it mean when you bleed between periods usually 12-14 days after my menstrual cycle?
A: I get this every month on the same days– it is ovulation bleeding. Oulation bleeding does not happen in every woman and you should go to your Ob/gyn to make sure that this is what it is (as it could be something more serious). But I suspect that if it is always on the same days of your menstrual cycle that that is what it is– a sign of fertility.
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