What does it mean when your period only lasts for 3 days

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The cycle can change from stress and other emotional problems that can upset a persons natural balance. You should see an OBGYN. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-your-period-only-lasts-for-3-days ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when your period only lasts for 3 days
What does it mean when period only lasted 3 days and always norma…?
That is exactly what happened to me. Mine only lasted four days. When I first found out that I was pregnant, I took that cycle into consideration and I calculated how far along I was. When I went to the doctor, I was off by a WHOLE MONTH! W…
What does it mean when your period is very light and lasted only …?
You can still be pregnant and get your period, and it will be very light and different from your normal. Sometimes, it is just like your normal period. Every woman is different, so it’s hard to say. If you took a test and it said negative, …
What does it mean if my Periods only last 2-3 days, is that bad??
Mine have always been like that, only lasts for 3 days never any longer. I have always thought I was pretty lucky, I have heard all the horror stories.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean when you’re period lasts two days after having unprotected sex 3 times?
Q: i had unprotected sex with my bf 3 times and i got my period at its normal time but it only lasted two days…it wasnt very heavy..any help would be greatly appreciated
A: This could be implantation bleeding from being pregnant. Go get tested to be sure.And to avoid unwanted pregnancy – go get yourself on some birth control! Having unprotected sex – 3TIMES?!??- is completely irresponsible.
what does it mean when your only on your period for like 2 or 3 days but you usual cycle is like 7-10 days?
Q: see, last month and in may i was only bleeding, which i thought was my period but im not sure now cuz in may and in june, it only lasted for 3 days tops in both months. and i started on the 24th of june and around the same time in may but it still only lasted for 3 days tops. does that mean i could still be pregnant even if i had it only for 3 days?? cuz i went to the doctor and she said it might be too early to tell so she didnt take the tst because i had told her i took a home pregnancy test and both of them came up negative but im still having the symtoms like a pregnant woman would have. stomach pains, dizziness, sickness, feeling faint. and all that shii. so can someone please tell me if i could still be pregnant even though i was only on my period last month and in may for about 2 or 3 days??? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME…
A: yes most likely ur pregnant that happened to me last october now im almost 9 months preg u should do some pregnancy test at home to find out u dont need to wait for ur doc to decide to take a test
What does it mean when your period is very light and lasted only 3 days when..?
Q: it usually is about 5 and not extremely heavy but heavy enough to feel more then one tampon a day..andwhen your having HORRIBLE cramps when its not your period…Could i be pregnant? i took a tes this morning and it said negative..but i’ve had symptoms..headaches.nausea.dizziness.lower back pain.tiredness…what do you think?no rude answer pleasei just need advice Thanks!
A: You can still be pregnant and get your period, and it will be very light and different from your normal. Sometimes, it is just like your normal period. Every woman is different, so it’s hard to say. If you took a test and it said negative, I wouldn’t worry about it. IF you still have symptoms in say a week or so, take another test to make yourself feel better. Your symptoms could be from a lot of things. If you’re really worried, call the doctor or your local planned parenthood and they can tell you some more information on what to do. Also try americanpregnancy.org because they can tell you a lot about what symptoms mean, etc. Good luck!
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