What does It mean when your head hurts all day

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What does It mean when your head hurts all day”,you can compare them.

Usually a headache. Tension headaches are constant, band-like pain or pressure that lasts from 30 minutes to all day. Be Well! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-your-head-hurts-all-day ]
More Answers to “What does It mean when your head hurts all day
What does it mean when the left side of your head hurts for sever…?
It sounds like tension headache to me too. The best thing I’ve found to get rid of one of those is to use the extra strength migraine relief advil (though these are very strong, and only would recommend them if the normal advil don’t cut it…

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Q: my head has been hurting really badley for the past couple of days, it makes my ears sore,and they keep clouding and i ant see sometimes when it really hurts,i have now been getting sharp chest pains, and dizzyness. anyone know what it means?
A: You should really get your blood pressure checked. The headache, dizziness and blurry vision are associated with a high blood pressure. Those were the symptoms that I had.
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