What does it mean when your eyes shake

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What does it mean when your eyes shake”,you can compare them.

Eyes shaking is just a tell tale sign of being intoxicated. It’s one of the ways a cop can tell your drunk during a sobriety test. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-your-eyes-shake ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when your eyes shake
Does this mean your vision shakes? your eyes *feel* like they’re …?
I call them the “vibrations” The bigger they are, the better the bean. I used to get pills that would give you constant 10 FOOT vibrations for an hour or two and then they would let up until you ate another bean. EVERYBODY loves t…

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What does it mean when a person’s eyebrows shake as they speak?
Q: Sometimes, when a friend of mine is speaking, he widens his eyes and his eyebrows shake. Does this mean something as far as body language?
A: I don’t think I’ve seen eyebrows actually shake. The thing about body language is that one signal on its own doesn’t tell you much. Now if there are three or four other things he does at the same time (like changes in posture, licking his lips or whatever) then you might be able to attribute some meaning to it.It could mean he’s interested in something, or it could be simply a nervous tick. It could even be a sign of discomfort. It really depends what the rest of his body is ‘saying’.Why don’t you just ask him?
What does it mean when your new parakeet shakes alot and closes its eyes like it is trying to play a game with
A: Birds that are shaking are sick birds.Add closed eyes and shaking means you need to cover 3/4 of the cage and keep him warm. Warmth heals.However, this bird needs to be seen by an avian vet ASAP, he is sick.New bird, so call when you bought the bird right away.You have bought a very sick bird.Birds don’t play games like this.
What does it mean when your lower eyelid twitches?
Q: I’ve been getting this twitching feeling in my left eye today does it mean anything?I’ve gone to the bathroom to actually see if it moves. It does, almost like it’s slightly shaking. Does this mean anything. Or is it just something the body does for no reason?
A: The technical term for a muscle twitch is fasciculation… found that out yesterday lol.Eyelid twitches are usually benign. Everyone gets them from time to time, and persistent or recurring eyelid twitches are most often related to stress or anxiety.I wouldn’t worry if I were you.
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