What does it mean when you urine is cloudy

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What does it mean when you urine is cloudy”,you can compare them.

From very common to least, cloudy urine could mean: urinary stones, bladder infection, cystitis, kidney stones, (more?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-you-urine-is-cloudy ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when you urine is cloudy
The cloudy urine could mean that you got infection in your urinary tract (kidneys, ureter/urethra or bowel). The pus from bacterial infection combined with urine will create some cloudy appearance on the urine. This is the most common cause…
The most likely cause (especially considering the recent heatwave) is lack of hydration. It’s Momma Nature’s way of telling you to drink more water
It could mean that you have a bladder infection. It can also sometimes happen if you are sick with something else, like a cold/flu. It can also be an indication that you are not drinking enough water throughout the day. Regardless, drinking…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean when your urine is cloudy?
Q: When your urine is cloudy? Normal color, but cloudy…
A: you didn’t say if you had any other problems, burning,itching, odor? Sounds like you need to push the fluids, mainly water…add a bit of lemon.
What does it mean when your urine is cloudy? What are possible causes?
Q: Cloudy as in it has a white cloudy appearence to it.It is NOT foul smelly or DARK. Just cloudy today. :0)
A: The scenario you described is typical of a urinary tract infection/cystitis. If not treated the urine can become cloudy and foul smelling. Often with the history and physical exam a urinalysis and culture are performed to specifically identify the infecting organism. If this is a first time infection in a young women who is sexually active treating with antibiotics is all that may be required. If these infections come more frequently, develop kidney infection/pyelonephrites further investigation is required. Either way you should see your doctor to further investigate this condition.
What does it mean when your urine is cloudy, colorless or yellow?
Q: -cloudy-colorless-yellowetc.
A: It depends on what you have eaten, how much fluid your drink, what vitamins you take, etc. See the source for more detailed information.
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