What does it mean to be in stage 4 cancer

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Stage 4 cancer is when the primary tumor spreads to other organs in the body. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-to-be-in-stage-4-cancer ]
More Answers to “What does it mean to be in stage 4 cancer
What does stage 4 cancer mean?
It means the cancer that has started in one organ has spread to another.
What does stage 4 liver cancer mean?
stages 1 and 2 are cancers in one location and 2 are larger tumors. 3 is cancer that has moved beyond the tumor site to local lymph nodes. 4 is cancer that has moved on to other parts of the body such as lungs, liver, brain etc. They also u…
How long can you live with stage 4 liver cancer?
Hi Eric, Unfortunately, if liver cancer is found in the final stages it might be hard to fix especially if it has become metastatic. A liver transplant is usually the only way to survive. The following are the symptoms of final stage of liv…

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Q: My friend was told her daughter has stage 4 tounge and throat cancer….what does this mean?
A: this web page seems to explain it quite well …
What does stage 4 cancer mean?
Q: What does stage 4 cancer mean? Do not tell me death! Thank you.
A: It means the cancer that has started in one organ has spread to another.
what does stage 4 cancer actually mean?
Q: what are some of the conditions associated with stage 4 cancer after hysterectomy, colostomy bag and urinary bag has been put in?
A: Stage IV refers to TREATMENT not impending death . . many, many cancer patients are classified as stage IV and than restaged as time goes on and their cancer gets better or worse. Stages are used so that a doctor knows what type of treatment to offer his patient . . a stage 1 treatment is totally different than treatment for stage IV.What confuses people and patients is that stage IV is a difficult and life threatening condition to treat successfully . . so when a patient dies they are usually at a stage IV . . but a patient can die at any stage of cancer. And a patient can also survive a stage IV cancer . . one reason I know this is because my sons type of cancer is always diagnosed at stage IV and there are survivors of his disease.So Stage IV refers to the following . . it is cancer that has multiplied in one location, grown into surrounding tissue or organs, and most importantly . . has metastasized. Metastatic cancer refers to tumors shedding microscopic malignant cells into the blood stream or lymphatic system . . these tiny malignant cells travel all over the body, lodge in the brain, bone, liver, or lungs or anyplace and set up new cancer colonies. This will go on indefinitely unless treatment stops the progression of disease.I am not sure what you mean by conditions associated with stage IV after hysterectomy . . patients can still receive treatments for their cancer if their overall health permits.
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