What does it mean if you have a bump under you tongue

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You should consult a doctor if you have a lump or sore on your tongue that doesn’t go away within a week or two. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-if-you-have-a-bump-under-you-tongue ]
More Answers to “What does it mean if you have a bump under you tongue
What does it mean if you have a purple bump under your tongue??
Has it always been there? The underside of my tongue is always a bit purple and bumpy, so I’m afraid I can’t help. If it hasn’t always been there, it could just be a bruise from biting your tongue or poking it with something hard (like a p…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean if you have a purple bump under your tongue?
Q: I have a bump under my tongue. Itself, and a bit of its surrounding area is purple. What does this mean?
A: Has it always been there?The underside of my tongue is always a bit purple and bumpy, so I’m afraid I can’t help.If it hasn’t always been there, it could just be a bruise from biting your tongue or poking it with something hard (like a potato chip).Unless it gets really bad, I wouldn’t worry about it. Tongues get beat up, but they’re okay.
Strange bump under my tongue?
Q: I have this weird bump under my tongue. Its the same color as the rest of my flesh but its a raised spot. It also had a few little white dots on it after I put peroxide on it. Its soft and I can move it with my tongue. By that I mean it isn’t firm or anything. It also doesn’t hurt unless I mess with it but even then its really an extremely small pain. I hope this isn’t too vague to tell what it is but I can’t really describe it any better.I’ve had it for almost 2 weeks.could it be erythroplakia?
A: Erythroplakia is just a general term for a red spot. If its the same color as your skin, it wouldn’t be erythroplakia. It sounds like its a mucocele. A mucocele is saliva trapped under the skin usually due to trauma. If it doesn’t go away after a couple more days try to lance it with a safety pin. A clear salty tasting liquid should come out. If it doesn’t you should see your dentist. A mucocele isn’t dangerous or harmful. Nothing to worry about if thats indeed what it is. Some people get them all the time. They can also occur on the lip also from trauma.
bump under tongue?
Q: hey today i had a small bothering feeling under my toungue and a bump that wasnt there ever is now there it is on the skin between the tongue and the gum and it looks clear my bro had a mucuseal before so does that mean it could be a mucuseal too?? what can i do about it an is it serious has anybody had this before?? any and all answers are accepted!! thanks
A: Yes, it most likely is a mucocele, especially since it’s clear. A mucocele should go away by itself after time. It is basically a swelling caused by saliva that is trapped within a blocked salivary gland. There’s more info here on wikipedia as well as a picture: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MucoceleIt is not a serious condition at all.
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