What does it mean if you are spotting between periods

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Although the cause of irregular bleeding can vary according to individual health situations, some of the more common causes MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-if-you-are-spotting-between-periods ]
More Answers to “What does it mean if you are spotting between periods
What does it mean when you are spotting between periods??
If you read the packaging from your birth control pills carefully, it states that if you miss a couple of pills you may spot.
What does spotting between periods mean?
It’s pretty common when you are using birth control. Some women have it without going on birth control, it’s pretty normal, or so I’ve heard. I’ve never had it personally, but I’ve heard of many women who do- especially while on birth contr…
Does Spotting Between Periods Mean I’m Pregnant?
Spotting is the early sign of pregnancy and if you have it then you can be pregnant but this is not a hard and fast rule. You need to take the pregnancy test to be for sure.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does spotting between periods mean your pregnant?
Q: ok i was pose to get my period on saturday (aug 8) but it hasn’t came down yet but ive been having a lil bit of spotting since saturday. Does this mean im pregnant or something else can be causing it?
A: probably not pregnent.but i’d go to the doctor,and try a pregnency test.but i’m pretty sure you’re not pregnent.
What does spotting between periods mean?
Q: This is the first time in my 17 years of life i have spotted between periods. I had my period like 3 weeks ago and now i just spotted…my preiod is not due for another week or two. The last time i had sex was in mid july……I have had 2 periods since then and now im spotting……could i be pregnant?????
A: 🙂 Why don’t you go askMr. Pregnancy test over there?
What could spotting between periods mean?
Q: I normally have VERY regular periods. That are heavy for three days and then end. It has two weeks from my last period and I am bleeding lightly. But it not normal blood, it is a darker brownish in colour. What could this mean? I am not on the pill. And it is POSSIBLE I could be pregnant.
A: Bleeding between periods or spotting can be a symptom of a number of conditions including sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), gyneacological cancer, endometriosis, fibroids or a thyroid disorder.If you continue to have bleeding between periods I would recommend you consult with your doctor.Good luck 🙂
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