What does herpes look like/feel like

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What does herpes look like/feel like”,you can compare them.

Signs and symptoms during the primary episode may include a crop of sores, and flu-like symptoms, with fever and swollen glands. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-herpes-look-like%26%2347%3Bfeel-like ]
More Answers to “What does herpes look like/feel like
What do herpes look and feel like?
Herpes often, whether it’s on the lips or in the genital area, is a group of vesicles or blisters that are seen and often recur in the same spot. Often before a herpetic outbreak, one has a prodrome, meaning a sensation of tingling, burning…
What does herpes feel and look like?
Herpes have a very itching feeling and they are like small blisters in size.
What does genital herpes HSV2 look like and feel like??
Many people don’t have any symptoms and are carriers of the virus, spreading it without knowing so. When symptoms do show up they look like multiple tiny blisters on a red background that last up to 1 week and as time goes by the blisters…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Oral herpes? how can you tell?
Q: Just wondering what does oral herpes look like/ feel like? and how do you know if you have it. I am a bit concerned that i picked it up from my boyfriend (however i do not know that he does or doesn’t have it). But he is the only one i’ve been with and recently i’ve got these sores all along one side of my mouth. and its only on one side.
A: have a talk with your boyfriend to see if he has any STDs…even though you should have already had this talk but thats okif there start to hurt or burn you should go see a doctor even if you dont think you have herpes
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