What does clear mucus indicate

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More Answers to “What does clear mucus indicate
How soon should you see the clear mucus blob that indicates a pre…?
it takes anywhere from 55 to 60 days for gestation of puppies, your vet will be able to take x-rays to see any skeletons around 6 weeks to see if she is pregnant and how many puppies there are in her.

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what does egg white mucus indicate? Pleeeee…..z clear my doubt…!?
Q: I am trying to conceive since last three months but all in vein.I am getting worried with every passing month .We tried on the day I had egg white cervical mucus.I have some doubts in my mind …First is when our body releases egg white mucus ,it indicates that the women is going to ovulate or she has already ovulated.If she is going to ovulate then in how much time will it occur ? My second query is that doggy style and rear entry are the names of same position or are they different ?My last question is ….which is the best postion to conceive ?
A: best chance is prior to seeing the mucus so you would want to have intercourse a day or so b4 remember sperm are hardy mostly girls they will stick around “““it means she is ovulating~~~~~remember though every ones body is very different~~~~~~~~~both your positions mean the same thing!!!! have fun ~~~alot of people prop there legs up doing face to face to help keep the sperm there GOD SPEED~~~~~~~
how soon should you see the clear mucus blob that indicates a pregnant bitch?
Q: when my first bulldog bitch was pregnant, the first sign was a clear mucus blob that she passed when she urinated, and i happened to spot it on the grass. It’s been a few years since, and now my second bully bitch has been mated, and i’m not sure of when i should notice this mucus blob again.
A: it takes anywhere from 55 to 60 days for gestation of puppies, your vet will be able to take x-rays to see any skeletons around 6 weeks to see if she is pregnant and how many puppies there are in her.
why does vaginal mucus comes a lot before ovulation?
Q: In the past 3 months i had regular periods. But i don’t know why they say that you have your vaginal mucus, that indicates high chance of fertility, during your ovulation, as about a week before the half of the cycle (that is supposed to be ovulation), i have this clear, transparent and sticky mucus in high abundance. thanks a lot for your help
A: Not all women ovulate in the middle of their cycle, some ovulate quite early – like about 10 days after the start of their period. The mucus that is the consistency of raw egg white – really stretchy and slimy, is a good indication of when you are most fertile.
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