What does black stool mean

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Definitions .We found some answers as below for this question “What does black stool mean”,you can compare them.

Black, tarry stools can be the result of eating certain foods, taking iron supplements, or possibly from internal bleeding. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-black-stool-mean ]
More Answers to “What does black stool mean
It may be from something you have eaten (like black liquorice). Another possibility is that you are bleeding somewhere in the lower IG tract, caused by many various things. However, you should go to a doctor and get it checked out as it may…
This can be a, “slow bleed,” caused by an ulcer, gastritis, or other gastrointestinal problem and should be addressed by your physician. They will do some lab work including a stool sample to check for the presence of blood. (This…
Black, tar-colored stools with a stench foul odor can be caused by the intake of certain foods, excessive iron supplements, or possibly from internal bleeding in the digestive tract. If the black stool seems to have blood there is a possibi…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what does black stool mean?
Q: does pep-to bismol affect this or can this be something else?
A: black stools can be bleeding in the intestines or stomach, if you are having indigestion and black tarry stools get it checked out immediately
What does it mean if I have black stool?
Q: I used the bathroom tody and I had almost black poop. I smelt it and there was no odor though.
A: Well Since I’m currently suffering from a hemorroid… I did a lot of research about rectal bleeding and black stools can indicate something called “melena” which usually needs to be checked out by a doctor so you can get antibiotics and if your worried about seeing a Doctor (I’ve been like that too) then don’t be because if you don’t confront this problem then it will most likely get worse unless you have the means of self treatment but you still need to identify what your suffering from. Best regards~
does anyone know what black stool means?
Q: my yorkie has been pooping black stool for about the last week does anyone know what this might be caused by?also she has lost about 4 oz in the last 2 months and im getting worried shes 10 in case that helps
A: Hve you changed her food or has anothing changed in her diet?You really need to make an appointment with the vet.Melena, or black stool , is the presence of digested blood in the feces and makes the stools appear black and tarry. Melena may represent a severe, life-threatening illness, and should not be ignored. It must especially be addressed if it persists or worsens.Melena develops when bleeding occurs into the stomach or small intestines. The bleeding must be high in the intestinal tract in order for the blood to be digested and become discolored.
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