What does an infected cut look like

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Symptoms of infection may include: pain, swelling, redness, or warmth around the area. Pus draining from the area. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-an-infected-cut-look-like ]
More Answers to “What does an infected cut look like
Does this cut look infected?
The link took an hour to open..I.couldn’t wait

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

does this cut look infected to you?
Q: it itches and it looks like a small rash now but there’s no pus or anything. what do you think?http://i426.photobucket.com/albums/pp347/oOserendipityOo_bucket/da002.jpgsorry it’s so far away, i couldn’t get a good closeup without it flashing and turning white. it’s the red blob one.
A: Nope.It will have pus and be a lot redder than that if it was seriously infected. It just looks like you’ve been scratching or rubbing it, or it’s irritated for some other reason.
Does this cut look infected?
Q: http://s655.photobucket.com/albums/uu275/cbf_2009/?action=view&current=Photo1752.jpg&t=1247882574657I got this cut while I was at crew the other day and I am scared it might be infected. I have been putting rubbing alcohol and neosporin on it every day. It is on my knee and it is like leaking this fluid that is sticky and I don’t know what to do! HELP!I meant Hydrogen Peroxide… not rubbing alcohol.
A: Yes..i think you should apply hydrogen peroxide on it quickly…
What is the best way to treat an infected cut?
Q: My cat accidentally scratched my chest a few days ago when I picked him up. Now, it seems like it may be infected,( its red and swollen around the cut, and the inside of the cut looks like it may have puss, but im not really sure if it is puss or if it is supposed to look like that). I was wondering, will it heal faster if i keep it uncovered, or covered with a bandaid? also, any other advice for treating it is welcome. Thanks
A: hydrogen peroxide on the cut to wash it, then a topical ointment on the cut to help it heal and keep away infections. bandage it loosely (you want to let the skin breathe) to keep it from being irritated by your clothes or exposed to the external environment.
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