What does AIDS do

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Full blown AIDS occurs when your immune system is severely damaged. A T4 count (blood test) below 14 percent indicates AIDS. more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-aids-do ]
More Answers to “What does AIDS do
What does aids do to you?
well before you get aids, you have to get HIV. what HIV does is kill your helper T cells. Your helper T cell are the ones who fight stuff in your body. so if you don’t have any, then when you get a cold, you will die. once you get HIV after…
What is AIDS?
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is a deadly disease that weakens and destroys the immune system. Something as simple as a cold or flu is fatal to a victim of AIDS because they no long have an immune system. AIDS is an offset of HI…
How do you get AIDS?
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is the result of damage caused by the virus HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus). HIV is acquired through bodily fluid transmission with an infected person through sexual contact, blood or plasma tra…

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How do i come to know that my girlfriend is a virgin or does she have aids?
A: Ask that b*t*h
How does aids actually spread wihle having an unprotected sex?
Q: hey guys plz lemme noe dat how AIDS actually spreads while havin an unprotected sex. i mean does AIDS only spreads when sperm enters into female reproductive systemor it can spread through any other ways.Plz help me this question is really givin me a headacheso serius help requires…N(is dat making sex with many guys lead to aids)
A: The friction you feel in your vaginal walls causes (produces) the HIV virus – and if you have sex and get dry, you’ll get HIV…so – DO NOT HAVE SEX – EVER!**BTW*** this system has spell-check
Does anyone know any Organizations where you can volunteer with kids with AIDS in Africa?
Q: I really want to volunteer in Africa some day for about 6months-1 year and I want to work in an orphanage or school or something like that with Kids who have aids.DOes anyone know any organisations that let you do that?Thanks.
A: theres alottheres is one childrens hospice close to where I livealot of europeans and westerners come here like you and they cant handle it because your people are very emotional and are not used to death so most usually leave or make a scene and cry out loud.If you are going to work with people with aids, I would recomend that you volunteer at an AIDS hospice in America or wherever you live first before you come here. Email me, I know alot about aids orphans in east africa
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