What does a tattoo feel like

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Style Beauty Art Design .We found some answers as below for this question “What does a tattoo feel like”,you can compare them.

A tattoo feels like receiving many many shots (by needles) until the art creation is completed. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-a-tattoo-feel-like ]
More Answers to “What does a tattoo feel like
It feels like a needle dragging across your skin. That might sound awful, but it really isn’t. I mean, it’s worth doing, but it still hurts. It really depends though. What are you getting? Will it be colored? Things like that will affec…
I’m 14 and I recently had a tattoo done, by someone who does tattoos, in the family and agreed to do it. I had it on my lower hip/belly. I’m not sure how to explain the pain, but YES it hurt, a lot. Whilst he was doing it, i didn’t know if …
It has a lot to do with where it is placed. If you get it in an area where there is more fat and muscle it doesn’t hurt as much as it does on bone (like your ankle). It also depends on who does the tattoo. Some hurt worse than others, you m…

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How does getting a tattoo feel?
Q: How does getting an actual tattoo feel like? (Around the hip/love-handle area) 🙂 Much apreciated.
A: everyone has a different answer for this and so will you. It all depends on your pain tolerance. Some describe it as scratching or cutting or burning. To me it felt like being pricked with a needle over and over really fast. And a vibration if they hit the bone like someone is drilling it- which they kinda are
What does getting a tattoo feel like?
Q: I’m getting my first tattoo later this year. A lot of people tell me it doesn’t hurt at all, and some people tell me it does especially depending on where you get it.Mine is going to be a pretty generous sized piece on my hip.And I may be getting one on my ankle sooner than that.Can anyone tell be how bad these would hurt if they do? Or what they would feel like?I’m getting them no matter what, but I’m curious.
A: my friend got her first on her hip and said it didn’t hurt at all…. my first one hurt but not bad… To be honest the pain is diffrent for every single person just depends on your tolerance level.. If you get into havin it done and start to feel funny or need a break don’t be scared to ask for it, the tattoo artist will be ok with giving you a break if you need it. The pain for me kinda feels like a bee sting…*editA good way to determine if you can stand the pain… get a needle and very gently tap it on the skin (not penetrating) where you want the tattoo… u will know within a few seconds of doing this whether or not you can stand it… if you can’t take the pain from tapping the needle there then i would NOT recommend a tattoo there! Try doing this on several diffrent spots on your body where you would consider a tattoo.. what you will find is that in some places it tickles while in others it is a very annoying pain.
What does a tattoo feel to you here…?
Q: I know different people can handle pain differently but I just wanted to know how does getting a tattoo on the side of the body feel like? I am planning on getting a tattoo from just above my hip bone to like 2 inches from where my ribs begins, so some of tattoo will be on my ribs. Please let me know. Thanks
A: The front of your ribs is one of the most painful areas. I just got another 3 hours on mine on Tuesday, and it definitely is worse than a cat scratching right there. Also the edge of the hipbone is quite painful, really anywhere that your skin is thinner than usual is rather painful. I have broken myself into some of the most painful places and have been able to handle it like a champ, but there have been points where I’ve had to ask my artist for a break. If the part on your ribs stretches to your back though, it is completely bearable and almost relaxing. I’ve came very close to falling asleep while laying on my side and getting the back side of my ribs done. Maybe out of sight out of mind is really the key? Not sure, but good luck and don’t let the pain deter you from placement. The pain is worth having it where you want no matter how bad it may be!
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