What do warts look like

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Warts are generally round and protrude from the skin. They are hard and usually spread around the area of origin. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-warts-look-like ]
More Answers to “What do warts look like
looks like you really have genital warts! and better get rid of them as soon as it is possible! and if you really want to get rid of genital warts forever then you should know that you can remove genital warts by surgery, freezing, laser, a…
They are usually pretty infectious, which is why anyone who has genital warts should refrain from sex till they have been cured. Treatment usually involves applying a special ‘paint’ which is obtained from a doctor or clinic. Now in your ca…
Plantar warts are hard and flat with a rough surface and well-defined boundaries.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What exactly do gential warts look like?
Q: I’d like to see a picture of what genital warts look like on a man and on a woman.
A: The pictures that you usually see on the internet are of extreme cases. Most often genital warts (HPV) look like the head of a pin (and they are about the same size.) They tend to be very small and smooth.If someone has something going on with their immune system, like HIV, or other diseases or conditions, the warts may become large.Only a doctor can tell if you have genital warts. It’s very common to have small bumps or pimples in the genital area & people may mistakenly think they have HPV.Women diagnosed with HPV need to find out if the have the high-risk or low-risk variety. High risk HPV can cause cervical cancer. High-risk tends not to develop warts, whereas low-risk tends to produce warts.If you really want to see pictures of extreme cases, go to Yahoo’s home page, type in genital warts and click on the “images” button, then hit search. Some pics should show up.
What do warts look like when they start?
Q: I think I have a wart on my thumb, but I’m not sure. It came out of nowhere and it’s really small and almost looks like a callus (but it’s not a callus), and it’s slightly sensitive to the touch. It’s skin color. It looks like there might be a very faint dot in the center. I first noticed in about three days ago. Is this a wart in the making? If you’ve had a wart, what did it look like in the beginning?
A: yer i reckon it is, get rid of it as soon as you can by using a special freezing technique which doctors should know about. I’ve found in the past other techniques, such as the various creams or gels, can be a bit slow and troublesome. So umm yer go to your doctor!
What is the disease that causes big growths that kinda look like warts?
Q: I have only seen a couple people with this condition and am not sure of the name. They are all over the face, arms, back. Some are small some are big…they kinda look like warts in a way, but they almost completely cover the person.
A: Could be neurofibromatosis… My aunt has it and it causes tumor like growths (some do look like warts) all over her body and I mean everywhere… the older she gets, the more and more she develops.. hope this helps… here are some pictures of it… let me know if this is what you are talking about…the first picture on the third row is a good example…http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?_adv_prop=image&fr=ks-ans&va=neurofibromatosis&sz=all
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