What could it mean if there is blood in my poop

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There are many reasons for red/blood stools: Taking too much iron, ulcer, hemorrhoids, polyps, IBD, or eating red food coloring. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-it-mean-if-there-is-blood-in-my-poop ]
More Answers to “What could it mean if there is blood in my poop
What does it mean when you poop blood?
Hemorrhoids can cause painless bleeding of the rectum. They are not always painful. Bleeding can be cause by many things including ulcers, internal injuries, and medications. He may want to ask the doctor about it.
What does it mean when you have blood in your poop??
Celiac disease is a very common cause. Cancer can be one. Bowel obstruction. Hemorrhoids.
Why Is My Cat So Mean Lately And Had Bloody Poop??
Bloody poops in the cats should not be neglected because it can be something serious. So, you should take your cat to vet for proper diagnosis and treatment. Following are general causes of bloody poops in cats. 1. Intestinal parasites 2…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean when there is blood on your poop?
Q: When I went to the bathroom I felt pain and there was a dark red ring of blood around the middle of my poop. Does this mean anything bad?
A: Blood in the stool is never a good thing.Get to a doctor or hospital at once. Best case scenario is you have hemmorhoids. Worse is some of kind of internal injury or colon cancer.Good luck!
There is blood in my poop when I take a dump. What could this mean?
Q: If you can’t give me a serious answer, then DO NOT ANSWER!I’m 15. I know this might be a nasty thing to ask, but it’s been like this off and on. Every now and then, when I take a #2, I notice my poop is a little bloody. It’s not really dark blood, probably more light than it is dark. I don’t know if I need to be worried about this.
A: It sounds like it’s probably an anal fissure, (a small tear) that comes from straining too hard. Try eating some more fiber. You can try over the counter metamucil, or an over the counter stool softener. You should also increase how much water you’re drinking. If these things don’t help, I would call your doctor to see if it’s something more serious.Good luck.
What does it mean if there is Blood in Poop?
Q: I have never had my period… But there was blood in my poop… I had just eaten Chinese Food and my stomach hurt. I went to the bathroom and well… There was blood in the poop… Why did this happen?
A: http://www.medicinenet.com/rectal_bleeding/symptoms.htm
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