What causes you to burp

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes you to burp”,you can compare them.

While you’re chewing and sipping, air routinely makes its way into your mouth, stealing a ride down your esophagus when you..More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-you-to-burp ]
More Answers to “What causes you to burp
Burp or belch is a very natural process in which air is expelled out through the oral cavity.Whenever we eat or drink some amount of air is also swallowed.Most of it is pushed into the stomach but some maybe trapped at the lower end of the …
After polishing off a particularly palatable plate of bratwurst, you uncork a belch that seems to bounce off the Bavarian Alps. Your host’s reaction: an invitation to next year’s polka party. Your stomach’s: Thanks for letting me blow off a…
Some of the common causes of belching involve : Air swallowing (aerophagia) may occur while eating or drinking, prolonged breathing though the mouth especially due to blockage of the nasal passages or in anxiety where hyperventilation may o…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why do we burp after drinking cola or some other cold drink , cola drink usually causes more burps?
Q: why do we burp after drinking cola or some other cold drink , cola drink usually causes more burps even ?
A: Carbonation.
What causes a person to burp the odor of very strong, rotten stomach acid?
Q: This is not a joke. He burps at least 5 to 10 times per hour and it is very offensive. The odor is nauseating and it makes me feel like I am going to throw up. It smells like rotten stomach acid. Now he passes rotten smelling gas and the odor stays in his underwear. Its rancid! I can smell his acidy gas odor in my recliner chair where he sat last evening for 2 hours watching TV. I am seriously thinking about throwing it out. I have smelled some pretty rotten things before because I am a nurse, but this is way out of anything I have ever seen. Where do you think the problem is. I know it is not normal to burp up stomach acid over and over and over and he keeps saying “excuse me”. Do you think he may have some type of digestive disorder?
A: Sounds like a couple of things…but the most obvious to me is the small intestine’s bacterial overgrowth prematurely fermenting food. The most common cause of bad breath is the poor digestion of food. This results in undigested food being fermented in the intestines. The odor is capable of escaping back up through the mouth from the intestinal tract….or it can cause an uncomfortable bloating in the abdominal region and lead to flatulence.Some other causes: Acid Reflux Disease, ulcers, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, even Diabetes. Advise the gentleman to have a G.I. series performed if he hasn’t already.I’ve heard of people using baking soda and water as a home remedy when the cramps and foul-smelling gas explusion begins. Best of luck – that’s has got to be a real pain to experience and to be around.
What causes a person to burp up stomach acid?
Q: I walked down the street to the store a little bit ago and two times burped up acid. I have only eaten a little bit today, could that be what it is and do I need to be worried about something more serious.
A: sometimes you burp extra hard and vomit a little bit dont worry unless it keeps happening
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