What causes tension headaches

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There is no single cause for tension headaches. This type of headache is not an inherited trait that runs in families. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-tension-headaches ]
More Answers to “What causes tension headaches
There is no single cause for tension headaches. This type of headache is not an inherited trait that runs in families. In some people, tension headaches are caused by tightened muscles in the back of the neck and scalp. In others, tightened…
While tension headaches are the most frequently occurring type of headache, their cause is not known. The most likely cause is contraction of the muscles that cover the skull. When the muscles covering the skull are stressed, they may spasm…
Despite tension headaches being so common, the underlying cause is still not fully understood . It was previously thought that tension headaches were caused by muscle tension around the head and neck. However, while muscle tension can cause…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes bad tension headaches?
Q: I get them everyday. I don’t sit around or stay in one position to long. My jaw also seems to be tight when I have these headaches. I have had them like this ever since I was assualted several years ago.
A: Sitting in one position too long (as in front of a computer) or writing for a long period of time without taking any breaks. Tension headaches usually come from strain placed on the back of the neck and upper shoulder area. To prevent these, take frequent breaks when doing work that requires concentration, standing up and rotating your shoulders and head for a few minutes and then go back to your task. Also, taking some tylenol or ibuprofen at the onset of the headache so that it doesn’t become a full-blown headache.
What causes on going Headaches with neck tension? What can I do about it?
Q: About 2 weeks ago I had a headache for about 4-5 days in my temple and then sometimes in the front of my head. Its back. 2nd day in a row, and my neck is all tight. Anyone know what could be causing this, or what I can do to stop it?
A: The reason for these headaches could easily be so many things but the most popular reason would be stress. I used to get what they call tension headaches all the time and it feels almost like a migraine that goes from your head down to your neck and back. Another reason for this that is common could be if you were in a motor vehicle accident. I found that the best treatment for me was to take advil at the first sign and look into massage therapy. Massage is a bit pricey if you don’t have coverage and it is not for everyone, but I have found this to be very helpful. Try to stay away from quick fixes because some of them can be habit forming. Best of luck, hope that this helped you!!
Tension Headaches and muscle contractions?
Q: I’ve had the worst tension headaches for over a year now. The worst part of them are the forehead muscle contractions (yes, tension headaches often include this—–it’s often called “the muscle contraction headache”). They are so annoying. Does anyone know anything about the muscle contractions? I can’t find much on them and I want so badly to get rid of them. The tension headache pills don’t work because they don’t help the contractions. Has anyone ever found anything on what causes them? I’ve read things about stress causing them, but I don’t have any more stress than I did years before they started. I do know one thing….they started exactly one year ago after I went to a new eye doctor. Does anyone know if “eye problems” could cause tension headaches/muscle contractions? It’s odd that they started right after I went to him and he changed my prescription (by a lot actually). Any ideas or help?
A: Please see r Dr. & ask himto refer you to a Rhumetolist who Specializes in muscle tissues, your problem maybe more serious than you think! It’s certainly not something u mess around with, only I found out the hard way. Eliminate stress.Please get back to me with your results, I care!diana dDiana E-Mail [email protected]
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