What causes stomach pains

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Abdominal Pain Causes: Indigestion-Constipation-Stomach “flu”-Menstrual cramps-Food poisoning -Food allergies-Gas. ChaCha away! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-stomach-pains ]
More Answers to “What causes stomach pains
What causes stomach pains?
Exercising like doing sit ups can cause stomach muscles to cramp, also eating something that your stomach didn’t like, sometimes you just need a bowel movement to get rid of stomach pain try to remember the last time you went, are you regul…
How to prevent stomach cramps while running?
Abdominal Pain. Abdominal pain is pain that you feel anywhere between your chest and groin. This is often referred to as the stomach region or belly.
What causes stomach cramps, dry mouth?
Abdominal Pain. Abdominal pain is pain that you feel anywhere between your chest and groin. This is often referred to as the stomach region or belly.

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Q: Today I suffered from all 3. I think it was caused by stress, because I have been kinda stressed out from school and stuff. But I did have a wendys Baconator yesterday and, I don’t really eat big burgers like that. I feel better after I slept for a few hours, what was wrong with me?
A: stomach bug – virus or bacterial, maybe from the burger place, or you caught it from someone and the stress allowed it to get you.
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Q: Have been having lower back pain sometimes on and off, with nausea or stomach pains.
A: There are a lot of things that could cause these symptoms, I would suggest that you see a doctor. It could be nothing but I am not a doctor.
Can Anxiety cause Stomach pains and Loose Stools?
Q: I have had stomach pains and loose stool for about two months now.I went to the hospital and they said Anxiety and prescribed me with Zantac 150 for Acid Reflex and Heartburn.Can Anxiety cause this?
A: Yes, anxiety can cause stomach pains and loose stools, as well as a long list of other possible symptoms. How do I know this? I go through it very often, and have for the past four years. Four years ago, I went to a clinic where they gave me Prevacid for acid reflux, but it didn’t help. They also tried giving me Zantac, which also did nothing. So, my mother took me to her doctor, who gave me Effexor. You see, I’m terrified of vomit and diarrhea, and anytime my stress is high, I tend to have loose stools and stomach pain. My anxiety is the worst for me when I’m due for my period also.If you can, see a physician so they can give you something to calm your nerves. My doctor told me four years ago that Zantac and other OTC anti acids aren’t as effective as they used to be, and gave me Protonix. I used to be on four medications, now I’m just on Effexor.When my own mother was my age (I’m 26), she had blood in her stool from anxiety. My advice to you would be to eat some foods such as a baked potato with cheese or plain white rice to bind you up and make your stools more solid. Also, try to keep yourself busy during the day so you’re not thinking about the anxiety or what comes along with it. If you are having frequent loose stools throughout the day, try taking Imodium. If you’re drinking coffee, try to at least reduce the amount you are drinking to one cup per day. Coffee speeds up the spasms in your colon, making anything in there run through you at top speed. Hang in there, and I hope these tips help you!
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