What causes panic attacks

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes panic attacks”,you can compare them.

Although the exact causes of panic attacks and panic disorder are unclear, the tendency to have panic attacks runs in families. There also appears to be a connection with major life transitions. Thank you for choosing ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-panic-attacks ]
More Answers to “What causes panic attacks
the doctors said i have panic attacks what is a panic attack
The underlying cause of panic attacks and panic disorder is not clear. There is evidence of both a genetic and a biochemical basis. There is also an association with phobias, such as school phobia or agoraphobia, as well as with depression,…
According to one theory of panic disorder, the body’s normal “alarm system,” the set of mental and physical mechanisms that allows a person to respond to a threat, tends to be triggered unnecessarily, when there is no danger. Scie…

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What causes Panic attacks, hypothyroid or hyperthyroid?
Q: I have started to have panic attacks this week and I have been on 100mcg of synthroid for over a year and I dont know if the panic attacks are related to my thyroid problem being too high or low.
A: too high. the amount of hormone being secreted is too high which increases respirations and stuff. too low would make you tired and fatter.
What causes panic attacks and how can you stop them?
Q: I’ve had them ever since I was little and I’ve been on medicine for them for 12 years so far, but they still occur… any suggestions?
A: I started getting them several years ago, after my last child was born (she’s 4 now). I have learned to identify what situations set me off, and I recognize the symptoms as they start, and can generally avoid them if I pay attention and just avoid the “trigger” situations. For me, I can’t deal with crowds, and chaos, so I try to avoid going places I know will be crowded & chaotic.I take medication, but only as needed for a panic attack that does come on without me being able to head it off.
What causes Panic Attacks?
Q: I am having major panic attacks. I’ve gotten them all my life but lately I’m really getting them. I’m on different meds for a back injury and I thought maybe it was because of that and stress but now I’m so scared that it may be something else. Do you know what usually causes them?
A: Panic attack are caused by anxiety, and stress. Go to a Doctor , he can help you.
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