What causes hyperthyroidism

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Common causes of hyperthyroidism are Grave’s Disease, Functioning Adenoma and Toxic Multinodular Goiter, excessive iodine MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-hyperthyroidism ]
More Answers to “What causes hyperthyroidism
Rarely, hyperthyroidism is caused by a pituitary adenoma, which is a noncancerous tumor of the pituitary gland. In this case, hyperthyroidism is due to too much TSH. Graves’ Disease Graves’ disease, also known as toxic diffuse goiter, is th…
In newborns, the cause of hyperthyroidism (also called Graves disease) is a mother who has or has had Graves disease herself. Graves disease in adults is an autoimmune disorder characterized by the production of antibodies that stimulate th…
The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves’ Disease, in which the autoimmune system produces antibodies that attack the thyroid gland and cause it to overproduce thyroid hormone. Hyperthyroidism can also be the result of the presenc…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the difference between hypo and hyperthyroidism, also what causes goiter?
A: Hypothyroidism means that the thyroid gland produces less hormones, hyperthyroidism means it produces too much. Goiter referrs to an enlarged thyroid, regardless of it’s activity, the most common cause is iodine deficiency, though, other things might cause it.
What causes hyperthyroidism?
A: There are several possible causes. On is Grave’s disease, which is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the thyroid, making it produce too much thyroixine (a hormone). It can also be cause by an inflammed thryroid–thyroiditis. There is also a conditon called hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules, where your thyroid has lumps that produce hormones. Grave’s causes most of the cases of hyperthyroidism.
Is there a natural way to treat hyperthyroidism in an old cat?
Q: Hyperthyroidism causes my 20 year old cats metabolism to speed up like crazy. He’s hungry all the time and getting thinner. The vet cure is an operation to remove his thyroid gland, but he is too old to have surgery. (Most likely wouldn’t wake up.) There is also radioactive iodine which is extremely cost prohibitive, especially on such an old cat. The pills the vet gave haven’t helped. Is there maybe a natural remedy I could try? Anyone have any ideas?
A: No there are no natural remedies for hyperthyroidism in cats. If you can’t afford the Iodine, or the surgery, (and I agree with you, too big a risk at that age), You may have to face the fact that it’s time to let go. I know cats can live more than 20 years, but if you can’t regulate with the medication, the surgery or iodine are your only other options. I hope you find something that might help.Edit: While admittedly there are those who would give advice designed to harm through malice, there ARE those who truly DO care and give sound advice. I have not been in the field for 3 years now, and have not worked directly with a holistic vet, however; I have worked in concert with an Internist who cared for several animals who were in the care of a holistic vet. I am all for alternative medicine, I practice holistic living in my own and my cat’s care. But, at 20 years old, your cat is nearing the end of his life. To have a cat live that long is not unusual, but it is not typical. That speaks to the outstanding care and love you have given your cat. Euthanasia is never a decision made lightly. One must take into consideration the pet’s quality of life with the disease affecting it, and what VIABLE options are available in treating the disease. You could try contacting a holistic veterinarian, and if there is some treatment that can help your cat, by all means; try it. But you should also be prepared in the event that there is NOT any other alternative. I wish you and your cat the best.
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