What causes cramping in the hands and feet

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The most common causes of muscle cramps in the hands and feet are exercising in intense heat, dehydration & lack of electrolytes. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-cramping-in-the-hands-and-feet ]
More Answers to “What causes cramping in the hands and feet
What cause cramps in the hands and feet and what to do for it??
bad circulation does that see a doctor
What causes cramping in feet legs and hands?
Go get salt tablets. You may need more florinef but that is a doctor’s call after testing. Salt is safer with our condition. If you are nauseous, have you been taking more cortef too? You may have an infection coming on (could be bladder…
Is there a vitamin deficiency causing cramps in hands and feet??
It’s probably a lack of one of the B vitamins – that’s a common symptom, though it’s usually expressed first as tingling or numbness.

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Addison’s disease…what causes cramping in feet legs and hands?
Q: I haven’t had this symptom before with the cramps coming on and off through out the day. Does it mean I am low on sodium or potassium? Do I need to up my florinef from 1/2 of 1 mg. or do I need to eat more salt? I have been drinking Clamato Juice hoping it would help. It hasn’t. I have been nauseous for two days. Jen, I hope you are reading this as I know you also have Addison’s due to bilateral adrenal ectyomy. I would appreciate answers as soon as possible, because when I get sick, I get in trouble fast, especially with nausea.Thanks in advance.
A: Go get salt tablets.You may need more florinef but that is a doctor’s call after testing.Salt is safer with our condition.If you are nauseous, have you been taking more cortef too? You may have an infection coming on (could be bladder or something elsewhere). Are you running a fever?These are what I use;http://www.amazon.com/Sodium-Chloride-Tablets-Gm-Tabs/dp/B000GCN130/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1236359791&sr=8-2but I get the 1000 tab bottle…
Is there a vitamin deficiency causing cramps in hands and feet?
Q: Medical personal only please……unless you have experience in this dept.Maybe you all are right……I figured it might be the B vitamins.Yes my thinking just of late hasn’t been that clear either.So I am on my way to take some vitamins.We use Sea SaltI used to have about 1 banana a day…maybe I need to go back to that.Cod Liver Oil gives me diarrhea big time!
A: It’s probably a lack of one of the B vitamins – that’s a common symptom, though it’s usually expressed first as tingling or numbness.
What causes swelling of hands and feet, stomach cramps, and hives?
A: Sounds like an anaphylactic reaction. Try some benadryl & if that doesn’t work or you start having trouble breathing, get to the E.R. immediately. This could kill you.
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