What causes bloodshot eyes

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes bloodshot eyes”,you can compare them.

Bloodshot eyes are caused when small blood vessels on the surface of the eye (sclera) become enlarged and congested with blood. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-bloodshot-eyes ]
More Answers to “What causes bloodshot eyes
What causes bloodshot eyes?
Bloodshot eyes probably caused by eye strain. If you wear corrective lenses, get them checked. If you don’t, still see an optometrist. You will probably need prescription (or a new one) to see better because your eyes are strained. Or you’v…
How Common are these Causes of Bloodshot eyes?
This information refers to the general prevalence and incidence of these diseases, not to how likely they are to be the actual cause of Bloodshot eyes. Of the 59 causes of Bloodshot eyes that we have listed, we have the following prevalence…
Does low blood platelets cause bloodshot eyes?
It depends how low your platelets are. Though normal is between 150,000 and 400,000/ μl (microlitre) problems don’t usually occur until levels drop to under 20,000. There are many fairly benign causes such as viral suppression and ITP ( idi…

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What causes bloodshot eyes and how do you clear it?
Q: Lately I havent been getting to bed until 2 a.m. or so, and while I dont really feel tired during the day, I have bloodshot eyes and I want to remove the redness. It’s not really noticeable from a distance, but I am concerned that it is when I converse with other students in college face-to-face. So would reduction in rest have caused this? I wake up at 7-8, so that means I only get 5 or 6 hours lately.
A: HI Your problem is probably due to your lack of sleep but you can try the eydrops OCULERGE (not sure if it’s the right spelling ) but it actually helps to brighten an remove redness but when you do use it the drops drys your eye or does something to close the tear ducts for like a half sec so it doesnt produce tears so that the drops stay long and actually works better So dont get scared when your eye gets abit dry for that half sec
What causes bloodshot eyes in a 6 month old?
Q: he is fine and happy and laughing, just has a red spot in his white of his eye. What would cause that?
A: he may of poked it if its not bothering him dont worry bout it if starts to annoy him take him to the doctors x x
What causes bloodshot eyes?
Q: I’ve noticed more and more thin blood vessels on my eyes over the past few years, but they’ve never itched or burned or anything. Only with allergy attacks have they ever really gotten worse, and that was only temporary. However, tonight I noticed in the mirror that my left eye looks somewhat bloodshot, especially in one area near the cornea. It doesn’t hurt or itch at all (it burned slightly when I rubbed it, but that went away quickly), and it’s not watery. It feels a little bit dry. Is this a cause for alarm, or should I just try something like Visine maybe? Also, bloodshot eyes can’t lead to blindness, right?I forgot to add: I haven’t been particularly stressed out or anything, haven’t been sleep deprived, nor have I been drinking – at all. So if it’s not one of those, what else could it be? (I also do wear corrective lenses and am planning on having them checked soon anyhow) There’s no chance that I’ll go to bed and wake up blind in that eye, right?After a full night’s sleep, my left eye looks just as bad as it did last night, so now I’m beginning to worry. As it’s Sunday, most doctor’s offices aren’t open, so unless I were to attend the ER (is it really a necessity, though? It doesn’t much seem like it would be), the absolute soonest I’d have any chance of seeing anyone would be tomorrow…and you know how doctors are with scheduling appointments. And now, it’s not as subtle as it was last night either. It’s really beginning to burn, and itch occasionally (which I’m trying to ignore and not rub, but it’s really hard not to), and right in the center of my forehead, I’ve been feeling some mild pressure. Any ideas now?
A: Bloodshot eyes probably caused by eye strain. If you wear corrective lenses, get them checked. If you don’t, still see an optometrist. You will probably need prescription (or a new one) to see better because your eyes are strained. Or you’ve been drinking a lot, which will cause bloodshot eyes!
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