What causes a person to yawn

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Yawning is started by that automatic control. A yawn usually happens when you are tired, bored and probably breathing slowly(more) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-a-person-to-yawn ]
More Answers to “What causes a person to yawn
What causes a person to yawn?
Generally, it’s a need for oxygen in your body. As you get tired, the O2 levels in your blood decline. You start to get weaker and tired. Yawns are considered to be contagious. When one person yawns, soon another will follow suit. It’s our …
Why do i yawn so much?
Lack of oxygen will cause you to yawn a lot. A person will yawn a lot in a smoky room because there is not enough oxygen in the room for everyone so they yawn. It is the body’s way of getting enough oxygen.
Does reading the word ‘yawn’ cause a person to yawn?
Today we know that a yawn is a reflex of inhalation and exhalation that draws more oxygen into the bloodstream. A reflex is a built-in physical reaction that people often do not have control over. A yawn is often associated with a person be…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is it that when a person yawns, it causes another person to yawn?
A: Scientists CANNOT figure it out.Just mentioning the word yawn makes people yawn.If you don’t believe me, try it…walk up to people and say yawn repeatedly.
What causes a person to yawn?
Q: We were debating about it at work. 🙂 Just wanted to know.
A: Generally, it’s a need for oxygen in your body. As you get tired, the O2 levels in your blood decline. You start to get weaker and tired. Yawns are considered to be contagious. When one person yawns, soon another will follow suit. It’s our biological reflex indicating that if one needs sleep, than we all must need sleep.
What causes a person to yawn after seeing someone else yawn?
A: We are all big COPYCATS
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