What causes a bloody blister

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes a bloody blister”,you can compare them.

A blood blister is a type of blister that forms when subdermal tissues and blood vessels are damaged without piercing the skin. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-a-bloody-blister ]
More Answers to “What causes a bloody blister
What Causes Blood Blisters?
Blood blisters are a type of blister that is filled with blood rather than the fluid commonly associated with blisters. Blood blisters are caused by a rupture of the blood vessels underneath the skin’s surface. This rupture is usually cause…
Can A Fever Blister Cause Blood Clots?
No it is not true. The blister if popped can leave behind the scar on the lips and also cause pain on popping. They have nothing to do with brain or they will not cause any blood clot in brain leading to death.
CAN hot food cause dark,blood blister on jaw?
I’m not sure about blood blisters from hot food. But, if you eat hot foods fresh off the fry pan or whatever. You will burn your mouth for sure. it’s better that you wait til your foods cools off

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: My shoes are half a size too big, so they rub against the area right above my heel (not sure what the correct term for it is) and it rubs away my skin, is painful, and sometimes bloody.My mom keeps offering to buy me new shoes but I don’t want to just waste money, so what are some other ways to stop getting blisters?Would thicker socks help? I also heard there are special bandages for this or something?Thanks for your help!!!
A: just place a band aid where the shoe is rubbing it therefore it wont catch your skin also the thicker the sock the better because its more protection and the take up more space
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A: If you are still smoking, why are you worried about your health?
Blisters on my fingers and it wont go away.?
Q: I’ve had this blister just above the mid joint of my middle finger, I got it from my drumsticks and I paid no attention to it cause I thought it would go away by itself, but it’s been almost a month now and it’s still there. Is it because I keep on playing regardless of the blister? I’ve attempted to pop it but it looks like a bloody blister and I’m not sure if you’re supposed to. Will it go away if I stop playing my drums for a while and leave it alone? (I hate needles!!! :P)Thank you
A: That happens to me cause of writing a lot. I’m at school so yeah, I do a lot of writing. You can’t like do anything, I have had it for like 3 years and it starts to disappear during the holidays but then comes back when I start school again.
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