What caused kidney stones

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What caused kidney stones”,you can compare them.

Causes for kidney stones are: have a family history of kidney stones,are aged between 20 and 50, are taking certain medicines MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-caused-kidney-stones ]
More Answers to “What caused kidney stones
Kidney stones form over years, finally becoming painful once they are at least a millimeter in length (some grow many times that large); the pain becomes worse if the stone lodges in the ureter; in that case, a device called a stent must be…
Kidney stones form when there is a decrease in urine volume and/or an excess of stone-forming substances in the urine. The most common type of kidney stone contains calcium in combination with either oxalate or phosphate. Other chemical com…
There are many causes for kidney stones, so there is no easy answer. Kidney stones are small deposits of mineral and acid salts on the inner surfaces of your kidneys. Normally, the substances that make up kidney stones are diluted in urine….

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Q: I had horrible pains in my kidney area so I got a urine test and it came up that i had kidney stones. I have never had kindey problems before, and I just started my 4th month on accutane, could that have caused it or is it just a coincidence? Neither my doctor or my dermatologist can figure it out!! how annoying!!!!
A: You eat a lot of salt. Stop being such a fatty.
What causes kidney stones and how can they be avoided?
Q: Kidney stones are one of my biggest fears in life honestly. What dietary habits cause them? Where do they come from? How do I make sure they never happen to me?!?
A: I’m providing you with some links containing a lot of useful information on this subject including what causes kidney stones, what foods to avoid and a lot of other good stuff. FYI, I had a kidney stone throughout most of January ’09. The two forms of pain associated with it are dull and acute. Acute was the worst pain I ever felt. Drinking LOTS of water daily helps prevent them. Also, avoid foods with oxalate (provided in the first link). I had to have shock wave lithotripsy to blast my stone into sand. The procedure doesn’t hurt and you get put under anesthesia.
What causes kidney stones in dogs?? Is it the water we give them out of the tap?
Q: I have friends who yorkshire dogs have had kidney stones. They are now buying their dogs bottled water.Someone told them tap water causes these stones. Can anyone shed some light onn this?
A: Just like people, some are just prone to making kidney stones.My Husband makes kidney stones like crazy. He does everything the doctor tells him with his diet and still he makes them.There is a special diet they can feed the dog that can help.
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