What can I do to avoid getting swine flu

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To avoid getting the swine flu: First and most important: wash your hands. Try to stay in good general health.Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-i-do-to-avoid-getting-swine-flu ]
More Answers to “What can I do to avoid getting swine flu
Avoiding the Swine Flu Stay away from people who have the symptoms. In Addition, you should wash your hands regularly and keep them away from your face, especially your mouth, eyes, and nose. You can also take vitamins, especially vitamin C…
Here are five tips for staying healthy in the face of a pandemic: Wash your hands , wash your hands, wash your hands. (Say it three times over. This is your new mantra, and it’s the number one way to avoid getting swine flu). Also, avoid to…
Swine flu can be prevented by taking the same precautions used to avoid seasonal flu. There are several things you can do to help yourself and others stay healthy:

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A: I wouldn’t worry too much. Just make sure your drinking plenty of water, making sure your getting enough Vitamin C to strengthen your immune system, and WASH YOUR HANDS frequently!
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A: Yup N95 mask just like they do in Japan … looks stupid but cuts the risk … that, and don’t pick any orifices until you wash your hands!
Will you stop taking public transportation as Biden suggested to avoid getting Swine Flu?
Q: If one person sneezes on a crowded subway, everyone in the car will get the Swine Flu.
A: Just more proof that they are trying to cause chaos, to introduce martial law.
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