What can happen if you have blood clots in your lungs

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Prolonged immobilization, alterations in normal blood flow, increased clotting potential of the blood, & damage to vein walls. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-happen-if-you-have-blood-clots-in-your-lungs ]
More Answers to “What can happen if you have blood clots in your lungs
What happens when blood clots move to the lungs??
The lungs are important for gas exchange. When blood clots move into the lungs, they can block the airways and prevent this gas exchange. If the clots are large, one will have difficulty breathing and deaths are not uncommon.
How serious are blood clots in the lungs?
The clots are most likely thromboemboli, which means they formed in deep veins in another part of the body, broke free and travelled via the blood circulation. The veins empty into the vena cava, which then empties into the heart, and the c…
How dangerous is it to have blood clots on your lungs ??
its dangerous because. it can break of and travel to the heart because oxygen is transported to the heart.The blood clot can travel to the heart if it breaks off. It also can cause respitory arrest so then you won’t have any oxygen dependin…

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What can happen to you if you carry the Factor V Leiden gene & get blood clots in your legs & lungs?
Q: I don’t understand the consequences if you carry the Factor V Leiden gene other than the fact that you are 5 times more likely to get blood clots than the rest of the population. So you get blood clots, and then what happens? You get treated for it… but what are the possibilities of something bad happening to you? Are you more likely to get heart attacks, strokes… what is it all about?I’m wondering because my dad just found out he had this gene. First he had a blood clot in his leg then a blood clot showed up in his lungs. I understand the pain that goes with having these blood clots.. but what else do these clots mean? Does it mean that he could die?
A: I carry the Fac 5 gene and so does my father, grandmother, and several cousins, aunts and uncles (since it is genetic). I was tested very young after my father had a blood clot that passed to this lung. It’s been almost 20 years now and I have had no complications.You are right that someone with Fac 5 has a 5x more likely chance of getting a clot. It means that your body does not know to stop producing the chemicals that make your blood clot.However, knowing that your father’s doctor can watch him very closely. My father had several clots (two that passed to his lung) before he was diagnosis. He’s now on a blood thinner (coumadin). He’s only had one since then and it was caught early enough that he was able to treat it from home and didn’t have to even go to the hospital. He now knows what to look for. Your father’s doctor will probably tell him to take certain precautions, like not traveling for long car rides or flights without taking breaks, staying active and keeping his legs in good shape. He’ll also want to pay attention to any pains (dull aches) or warm spots on his legs. If your father listens and does what his doctor says then he will have no higher risk of dying from a clot then anyone else. If fact, he’s that much more prepared because he knows about it. There are so many people that have Factor 5 and don’t know it, and who never have a clot.Since being diagnosed myself, I have had no complications. Because I haven’t had a clot, I just take a baby aspirin a day to keep my blood thin. I can not take certain birth control pills, and now that I am 31 weeks into my first pregnancy I do have to be monitored a little more closely, but I am living proof that you can being diagnosed with Factor 5 and still live a long healthy life. In fact, of the 12 people in my extended family that have been diagnosis, no one has died from a clot and my father is the only one who has had one pass to his lungs. Most of us haven’t even experienced a minor clot.So I hope this gave you a little peace of mind. My only advice would be to make sure your father listens to his doctor, takes his medication, pays attention to his legs, and that the rest of your family gets tested (just in case).
How serious are blood clots in the lungs?
Q: My dad is in the hospital and we’ve been told that he has blood clots in both of his lungs and will have to be kept in the hospital for about three days and be given two different kinds of medicine to dissolve them. My mother is the one relaying the information to me. I don’t know much about blood clots in the lungs. She’s acting like it isn’t a big deal. Is she just doing this for my sake? Is this serious? What could happen? Thanks in advance
A: The clots are most likely thromboemboli, which means they formed in deep veins in another part of the body, broke free and travelled via the blood circulation. The veins empty into the vena cava, which then empties into the heart, and the clots typically make it through the right side of the heart, but become lodged when they enter the branches of the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary artery carries blood from the right ventricle to the lungs to pick up oxygen. The branches become smaller after entering the lungs, and this is where the clots can lodge. This is a very serious and life threatening condition and hopefully your dad will recover with the treatment he is getting. They will have to also determine where the clots came from and deal with whatever treatment or lifestyle changes may be in order. There are multiple possible causes for the clots to have formed.
What happens and why would you get a blood clot in your lungs?
A: Blood clots can happen anythere in the body and for various reasons. Most common reason for blood clots is atrial fibralation in the heart (which many people have unknowlingly), and/or from ‘bad’ circulation, high cholesterol (fat in the blood), false clotting of wounds etc.From whereever it happens, and depending on its size, the clot can travel throughout the body. A bigger clot will probably get stuck somethere before it gets to far from its origin, a very small clot could travel into the brain (causing 90% of strokes), to the heart arteries (causing a mycardial infarction – heart attack) or into the smalles parts of the lungs the alveoli (which is about the size of a red blood cell) where it will cause emboli. Since blood flow to every single cell in the body is essential (there are very few anaoerobic cells in the mammal body – cells that don’t need oxygen and waste management like CO2 elimination), any disruption in flow can be critical. A pulmonary emboli could cause the collapse of that part of the lungs and depending on the size, it could lead to resperatory distress or failure.
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