What can cause you to not be able to catch your breath

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Negative emotions (like sadness, stress, anger, etc.) causes your Serotonin production to be low; more prone to getting anxiety. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-cause-you-to-not-be-able-to-catch-your-breath ]
More Answers to “What can cause you to not be able to catch your breath
Can mild allergies cause the feeling of not being able to catch y…?
Yes, short breath is a common symptom of hay-fever. There should be allergy medication out there specifically for allergy season. Reactin, for one. Consult a walk-in clinic!
Can anxiety cause you to not be able to catch your breath in the …?
The shower sometimes raises my anxiety level, which could be happening to you and you could be having the symptoms of anxiety like hyperventilating.

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Can anxiety cause you to not be able to catch your breath in the shower?
Q: can the steam do something to tighten your nerves or muscles?
A: The shower sometimes raises my anxiety level, which could be happening to you and you could be having the symptoms of anxiety like hyperventilating.
Why can’t I catch my breath?
Q: Let me start by saying that I have exercise-induced asthma. A few days ago I noticed that I had shortness of breath. It only lasted about 10 minutes so I didn’t think anything of it. Then last night it started again, but it didn’t stop. I went to the ER and they took both x-rays and a CT scan. At first they suspected a collapsed lung, but it turns out that it’s a condition where the lung or alveoli rupture and cause air to be trapped inside the chest. They said the air will dissipate over time, but I’m worried because I still have not been able to catch my breath since last night. I’m sighing and yawning, but obviously it’s not helping. Could it just be my nerves? I understand that if I keep consentrate on my breathing it will only be worse. Seems like it’s a mental problem, like a panic attack. I’m just really confused and uncomfortable. It’s the worst feeling in the world to not be able to breath correctly. Please help me understand, thanks.Also note that I’ve been having this shortness of breath and hyperventilation without any exertion of my body. I did not exercise or do anything I can think of that would trigger this response.
A: i have asthma and u know when an attack is coming on because u mite have a cold first r you’ll b wheezy when your breathing. i get panic attacks too, and thats what yours definately sound like, just b careful because if u hyperventilate u could pass out and if u live alone r with a child thats very dangerous, happened me once in my dads house so i was kinda lucky they rang the ambulance 4 me. also b careful that if the doctors try 2 prescribe Valium for u 2 try and relax u that its very hookable. Have u ever had heart palpitations? r even born with a heart murmur? r feel like your heart is either beating too fast r too slow, i have an irregularly slow heartbeat and it affects my breathing aswell, its amazing i’m still alive haha! GP’s will try 2 blow it off and tell u its because of stress but if your still anxious u should ask your doc to refer you to a specialist in the hospital. also sumtimes paracetamol can make u feel like your heartbeat is slowing down which would make u panic and become breathless 2. i hope your ok????, cos it is very fucking scary…..
What is your most memorable horse accident and what did you learn from it?
Q: For example: I was riding my mare down a hill one morning. We were zig-zagging our way down when she slipped and fell. I was able to clear my leg from under her, but when we hit the ground I took a moment to catch my breath and look to see where she was. While I did that my mare stood up and promptly fell again. This time the point of her hip went into the small of my back and caused some significant kidney damage. It really hurt and sometimes still does, but I learned that when you hit the ground – for whatever reason – you get the heck out of the way because you can never be sure of what your horse will do. Other great injuries have included:3 broken toes = steel toed shoes and horses don’t mixtorsion of a testicle = whenever possible, you a saddle with no horn to teach a horse to canter.destroyed right knee = have patience and set small goals2 broken wrists = falling is just as much a skill as riding!There have been a lot more, but what are some of yours?
A: My mare’s age at the time: 4 and half.My age at the time: 11 years old.Just bought my mare that October.When: Decemeber 29, 1996. My step dad, step sister, a friend of ours (former trainer) and few others was out riding with us on a trail. We are about 2 miles from the stables (where we used to board) near a major park. My mom stayed at the stables to relax, read paper etc.It was raining that day. My mare begin to act up and want to head back home. I wouldn’t allow it and pushed her “forward” to keep up. I was a beginer rider still. My mare reared up, I with out thinking, pulled on the reins and due to the mud and that, she slipped and fail ontop of me on my left side.The medics said that if the saddle horn was only 2 more inches more, it would of hit me straight in the head. I would of been dead most likely.I blacked out and awoke to firefighters and paramedics putting me in the ambulance. While that, I watched my step sister and former trainer (Chris: A girl) walk my horse and my step dad’s horse back as my step dad rode with me to the hospital. My mom getting the news, rushed to the hospital after she seen everyone come back to the stables pony’n and me not there. She thought my step dad had a heart attack as he complained of chest pains. But she was really scared after everyone saying abby fail on me.Doctor thought I had a broke back but after x-rays. I had 2 breaks in my left pelvic, two broken ribs, colasp lung and spinal injury.I went home a week later under direction to not walk (have to be carried if not wheel chair) and not allowed to ride for quite a few months after therapy says I am ready to get back on.B.S! I hobbled by pushing myself from one side of the wall to the next to the restroom and I got back on my mare 2 months by lying to my very first trainer (who I got the love of barrel racing from) saying I could.I think that is why I got a third break in my pelvic, but eh, oh well. That wasn’t as bad as my mom finding out I rode…..boy was she mad lol. Not a week later my step dad was on his Mounted Sherrif Serach and Rescue training (family can attend on this one) and my mom rode my mare and step dad rode his horse. i was told to stay behind. heck no! I wanted ro ride damit. so I followed, tears and all until they turned around to pick me up and I rode double on my step dad’s big TB. (who has boney hips and ride might I add). the hospital social worker told my mom to not sell my mare (as my mom was going to do) as I needed her to heal. The social worker was right. If my mom would of sold my mare, i wouldn’t have the oppurtunity to get back on and I had potential to develop a fear.I am all for “dusting off and getting back on”. After the accident, my mare and I went through some intense trainings and bonding. I got many other injuries: When my gelding was born, we took him and my mare to the stables we breed her at to show the stud’s owner how wonderful his stallion produced. The owner left the stallion in the arena and didn’t warn us. My mare freaked, pulled back on the trailor as I was tying her up with the lead rope. My hand slip through the small opening on the trailor with rope twisted around it. More she pulled back, tighter it got and worse condition my hand got.By time I got undone from that, I had no skin on the top or palm of my left hand, my thumb and finger next to that nails where ripped off and my pinki was noticably broken. Hurt like hell……and bad thing was, we didn’t go directly to hospital as we had to quickly load the horses, drop them off with the trailor and then go to the hospital to sit for 2 hours before I got seen……..I had neck injuries with an 8 year old green broke, but nothing really to be hospitalized. Just hurt for awhile.The typical kicked, bitten, ran over (my fault as I slip from the saddle while doing barrels) and thrown into things.I have not been thrown in gesh, over 4 years now. I think all those previously where
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