What are weed withdrawl symptoms

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are weed withdrawl symptoms”,you can compare them.

Symptoms of marijuana withdrawl are insomnia, anxiety, irritability, aggression, loss of appetite, and headaches. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-weed-withdrawl-symptoms ]
More Answers to “What are weed withdrawl symptoms
How long do the withdrawl symptoms last after smoking weed for 10…?
I could not tell you, I never smoked weed. My brother on the other hand was a major pothead. He can’t afford it and just smokes tobacco now which is “legal” but still bad for his health. When you start to “jones” for the…
Can weed help withdrawal symptoms of a pain killer addict??
It’s helpful for many other things (such as side effects for chemotherapy, cancer itself, AIDS) because it has good anti-nausea and anti-pain effects. So I don’t see why it wouldn’t also help for drug withdrawal symptoms. However, while can…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you help a person with withdrawl symptoms from weed?
Q: I just resently started dating a man who smokes pot once in a while and he wants to quit. But he gets so moody and now he is asking me for pills. How do I help him?
A: Pot isn’t like smoking cigarettes, people can stop any time.They will just miss being high.
Is it possible to have withdrawl symptoms from quiting weed?
Q: I’m just trying to figure out why I’m feeling so nauseated right now. This is the first day in my life that I’m not high. Last night, I smoked only one bowl of weed, then went to bed and woke up feeling shaky, my pulse feeling faster, and my stomach is gonna jump out of my mouth soon. I usually smoke 5 bowls or 3 joints before bed, and only god knows how much I smoke during the day, but today has been absolutely clean…..and I feel like sh*t.I’ve never thought in a million years, that smoking weed has withdrawl symptoms, but please tell me what you all know about it. Thanks
A: You would probably freak out if you broke up with a girl friend. Does that mean girls are addictive? Wait! Don’t answer that! I don’t want to know!
*i’m quiting weed* will I go through withdrawl symptoms?
Q: after a couple of months of maruajuana use,will I have to go through withdrawl?? ^_^
A: Weed has very few and minor withdrawal symptoms, compared to cocaine, meth, heroin, or even coffee, alcohol, and tobacco.Quitting’s good!
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