What are the syptoms of strep

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Common symptoms of strep throat in children and adults include: Severe and sudden sore throat without coughing, sneezing. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-syptoms-of-strep ]
More Answers to “What are the syptoms of strep
What are the syptoms of strep-throught
Most sore throats are actually viral however if there are any white patches at the back of the throat or you are having trouble swallowing liquids, or the problem has lasted over 5 days then you need to see a doctor. Also if you are in poor…
How long will I have to take my Strep Throat medication before my…?
It depends somewhat on how bad your infection is and what kind of antibiotics they gave you. Usually within 2-4 days you’ll really notice it feeling better.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long will I have to take my Strep Throat medication before my syptoms go away?
Q: And yes, I know I am not supposed to stop taking it once my syptoms go away!
A: It depends somewhat on how bad your infection is and what kind of antibiotics they gave you. Usually within 2-4 days you’ll really notice it feeling better.
what are syptoms of strep throat?
Q: i think i have it but i dont want to go to the doctor if its not it.
A: if u “think” u have it, u don’t. it’s the worst sore throat u can imagine. u’ll know. along with high fever.
Syptoms of strep throat in infants.?
Q: I just got a call from my best friends soon-to-be ex-husband saying he had to take her to the hospital for severe strep throat. She is also 10 month old son’s baby sitter and he was with her yesterday. I called his dr. but they are closed today for meetings and then closed over the weekend. Since he is can’t talk he can’t tell me what his symptoms are if he develops them. Right now he seems just fine, no fever, he is eating, and seems happy. I was just wondering what to look for if they show up.
A: Strep is very rare in infants.But if you are concerned, watch for: fever rash (scratchy red rash – AKA scarlet fever, which is what infants typically get if they get anything.) swollen glands change in eating habits (lack of appetite)change in behavior (sleepier than normal)change in voice (scratchy, as with a sore throat)Depending on age, and cooperativeness, you might be able to get a peek at his throat (only if other symptoms are present) with a flashlight. Ask him to do what you do and say “ahhh” Kids will often copy behaviors. <<Edit: Look for swollen tonsils with whitish patches or streaks, same as with an adult>>Also, if your clinic is closed for the weekend and you are still worried, you can usually call your local ER and ask to speak to a nurse. They can do a phone consult for free. :)Good luck!
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