What are the symptons of food poisoning

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptons of food poisoning”,you can compare them.

Symptoms of food poison would include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramping. Usually food poisoning is not serious. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptons-of-food-poisoning ]
More Answers to “What are the symptons of food poisoning
Unfortunately, most cases of food poisoning mimic gastroenteritis, and many people with mild cases of food poisoning think they have the “stomach flu.” However, the onset of symptoms is usually very sudden and abrupt, often within…
you wouldn’t be on the pc if you had food poisoning for a start. mainly allot of vomiting and diarrhea also extremely bad stomach cramps! and remember after having diarrhea your body loses lots of water and it needs to be replaced but inste…
Symptoms of Food poisoning: see symptoms of Food poisoning

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What are the Symptons of Food Poisoning?
Q: Please help.
A: sharp shotting pains in the stomache, fever, clammy skin, sweats, vomiting and going to the bathroom is good, it’s getting it out. if you suspect food poison seek emergency treatment asap.
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Q: It is h/w help and i don’t know these things for my cooking class… thanx!
A: Make sure you always have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen.Place a lid on a grease fire or some kind of pot or pan that can smother the fire. You can also try throwing flour on a grease fire to smother it.Food poisoning: stomach hurts, nausea, vomiting.
Who has had food poisoning and what were the symptons? how long did it last for and wat caused it?
Q: Im doing a survey for an assignment and if anyone has had food poisining plz answer with as much ifo as possible! The questions are. have you had food poisining? What were the symptons? How long did they last for? If know what caused it and how old were you? i need at least 15 answers, the most informative will get best question…. if you cant answer personally do u know anyone or do you know anything bout it????Hey im not sick with it but thanks anyway lol im just doing a survey for an assignment…..
A: symptoms:nausea vomiting diarrhea mild fever dehydration and may be hypertensioncause:there r many causes according to the type of bacteria causing ittreatment: IV injection of hyoscin butyl bromide (antispasmodic) ranitidine and metoclopromide(anti emetic)and oral intestinal antiseptic with antidiarrheal drugfor More information email orIM me at [email protected]
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