What are the symptons of a brain tumor

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Symptoms of a brain tumor can include headaches, unexplained nausea or vomiting, vision problems, and difficulty with balance. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptons-of-a-brain-tumor ]
More Answers to “What are the symptons of a brain tumor
The following are the most common symptoms of a brain tumor. However, each child may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms vary depending on size and location of tumor. Many symptoms are related to an increase in pressure in or around t…
Symptoms of Brain Tumors There are two broad categories of symptoms. The first results from the increase in pressure in the brain as the tumor expands. The skull is hard and cannot yield, resulting in symptoms such as: Headache, which is of…
The symptoms of brain tumors depend on tumor size, type, and location. Symptoms may be caused when a tumor presses on a nerve or damages a certain area of the brain. They also may be caused when the brain swells or fluid builds up within th…

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Can someone find out if they have brain tumor by blood test? what are some of the symptons? plz help :(?
A: No. There is no possible way to find if someone has a brain tumor by just a blood test. You will have to have MRIs and whatnot to see if you have something irregular in your brain. If there is a tumor in your brain, there should be some severe problems that you experience now and not before.
I may have a brain tumor and i’m afraid?
Q: Lately i’ve had many symptons of having brain tumor…..i keep making myself cry in my sleep cause i’m afraid. It runs in my family, my grandma died of it my uncle died of it. I’m going to get checked this week and afraid to die can some one pray for me and tell me everything is going to be okay : ( i’m scaredbeen having alot of symptons…my parents are worried too about it. My uncle that got it had it when he was younger and died from it. I never met him but it clearly runs in my family so its the fear. i’ve passed out many times so i dk but i hope nothings there.Thank u everyone….i really appreciate ur words of advice and prayers : )Thank u everyone….i really appreciate ur words of advice and prayers : )i’ll report back wednesday cause i’m getting check tommorrow
A: You better call around and get checked tomorrow. You will need a referral to get an MRI that will need prior authorization. The technology and treatments are much better these days. It could be kept under control with medication. A friend of mine has that kind. They also have a pinpoint radiation process that can focus specifically on the tumors to destroy them without damaging surrounding tissue. I am praying for you, but more importantly you need to keep praying for God’s protection and his healing power over you. A majority of Jesus’ miracles were that of healing. It is a very easy miracle for God to do. He can do the miracle without anyone knowing it was a miracle very easily. Keep praying and keep the faith no matter what. I believe you Will be all right.
I think i have a brain tumor…..?
Q: Im going to the doctor i just needed an opinionhere are my symptons:~I have had migraines for as long as i can remember and wheni get them they are really bad and when i take advil and tylonel it wont go away~Also when i get migraines there always in a certain spot (just the the left of the right ear)~Naseau~Tiredness~Weakness~Dizziness (sometimes)~Cant focus alot~and when i turn my head a certain way it hurts (previously mentioned just to the left of my right ear) Additional Details4 hours agohere are also some symptons i thought of that i have:i have mood swings (not PMS), vision change, pressure within the head and or neck4 hours agohere are also some symptons i thought of that i have:i have mood swings (not PMS), vision change, pressure within the head and or neck
A: When you see the doctor keep an opened mind to his diagnosis. I personally use chiropractors and many of your symptoms can be caused by a misalignment in the neck area. With a proper adjustment you may experience instant relief. Keep an open mind to alternative medicines.Good luck
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