What are the symptoms of tss

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptoms of tss”,you can compare them.

TSS starts with vomiting, high fever, a rapid drop in blood pressure, watery diarrhea, headache, sore throat, and muscle aches. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-tss ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of tss
TSS first resembles the flu then quickly gets worse. You have a high fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle aches and dizziness. Your eyes, mouth and throat are red, and you can develop a rash resembling sunburn. Then your body m…
Initial symptoms are fever, sore throat, headache, aching, vomiting, diarrhea, red eyes, skin flaking around hands and feet and low blood pressure. Symptoms begin after your period starts, and you may not get all symptoms, but if you suspec…
・ A high fever. ・ Nausea and vomiting. ・ Chills. ・ Aching muscles or abdominal pain. ・ Headache. ・ Sore throat. ・ Diarrhoea. ・ Dizziness, confusion, disorientation or hallucinations. ・ A red rash that looks similar to sunburn. ・ Low blood p…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How Long Does It Take For TSS Symptoms To Appear?
Q: I only once used a super tampon at night, because I didn’t have a pad. And it was in for about 10 hours. I first thought that I might have gotten TSS but for the next 4 days I felt fine. I used only normal tampons and only when I was out and when I was doing sports. I didn’t get any of the symptoms. And I just want to know how long does it take for TSS symptoms to appear?
A: e tijana..helen ovde..lolaj me stavi kao najbolji odgovor..plzzzzzzz :)))))))))xx
What would be the first symptoms that usually follow getting TSS?
Q: Okay, so I left a tampon in a little longer than usual yesterday and, I may just be getting paranoid, but when I woke up this morning I had the sore throat and muscle aches and stomach pains. Now, the whole muscle thing has been going on for two days so I don’t think that would be associated with it but still. If anyone knows how TSS usually starts such as what the first couple of symptoms are and you could ease the paranoia that’d be wonderful. Thanks.
A: If you had TSS….you wouldn’t be asking this question. You’d be in the hospital.
How long till you start to feel TSS symptoms?
A: You can feel the symptoms straight away, but a person may only get a few of the initial symptoms so not know it is TSS for a few days after the symptoms started. Initial symptoms are a high temperature, sore throat, headache, aching muscles, vomiting, diarrhea, and red eyes. A few days later skin begins to flake particularly around hands and feet, blood pressure drops suddenly and a woman develops body shock. The acute phase lasts 4-5 days, it can kill within a week, those who survive recover in around two weeks but can be left with life-long health problems.
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