What are the symptoms of hypersomnia

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The main symptom of hypersomnia is feeling constantly drowsy during the day. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-hypersomnia ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of hypersomnia
What are symptoms of Idiopathic hypersomnia Health Article??
Symptoms often develop slowly during adoescence or young adulthood. They include: Daytime naps that do not relieve drowsiness Difficulty waking from a long sleep — may feel confused or disoriented Increased need for sleep during the day –…
What are some symptoms of having hypersomnia?
“Hypersomnia means you are always sleepy.” Hypersomnia is excessive amounts of sleepiness. From the website of the U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS): Hypersomnia is characterized by recurring epi…

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ADHD and possibly hypersomnia/narcolepsy? ?
Q: Hi, I’m a 20 year old college kid and I’ve been recently prescribed adderall by my psychiatrist for possible ADHD. However, the diagnosis is not complete as I have some symptoms of hypersomnia or narcolepsy such as excess sleepiness during the day. So, my psychiatrist prescribed me 10mg of adderall once a day for a week while she puts me for a sleep study. After a week of 10mg of adderall, I didn’t quite feel energized like someone who’s on the adderall. So I told my psychiatrist, and she increased the dosage to 20mg a day for another week, and I’m still not energized. I do have symptoms of ADHD such as inability to focus, fidgeting, and minor hyperactivity. But I also have excessive daytime sleepiness! So, I don’t know if I have both ADHD and hypersomnia/narcolepsy or what.
A: I assume since you are posting under Alternative Medicine that you are seeking advice on alternative or complementary medicine modalities for your diagnosed conditions. First, you should probably get a primary opinion from a naturopathic doctor to determine how best to integrate holistic medicine and conventional medicine. He/she will help you navigate your options in herbs, nutrition and diet, as well as holistic modalities like Reiki, meditation, or acupuncture or CranioSacral therapy.
could I have hypersomnia?
Q: Sometimes I’ll sleep for about 10-12 hours if I’m allowed to. Then when I’m in school I get an overpowering urge to fall asleep. By that I mean sometimes I’m fighting to stay awake and other times I’m listening to a lecture and suddenly it’s an hour later. Other sleep related conditions I have are Insomnia and Sleep Apnea.Could I have hypersomnia? What are the exact symptoms of it? Is there a way to treat it?
A: Hypersomnia is characterized by recurrent episodes of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness or prolonged nighttime sleep. Different from feeling tired due to lack of or interrupted sleep at night, persons with hypersomnia are compelled to nap repeatedly during the day, often at inappropriate times such as at work, during a meal, or in conversation. These daytime naps usually provide no relief from symptoms. Patients often have difficulty waking from a long sleep, and may feel disoriented. Other symptoms may include anxiety, increased irritation, decreased energy, restlessness, slow thinking, slow speech, loss of appetite, hallucinations, and memory difficulty. Some patients lose the ability to function in family, social, occupational, or other settings.Hypersomnia may be caused by another sleep disorder (such as narcolepsy or sleep apnea), dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, or drug or alcohol abuse. In some cases it results from a physical problem, such as a tumor, head trauma, or injury to the central nervous system. Certain medications, or medicine withdrawal, may also cause hypersomnia. Medical conditions including multiple sclerosis, depression, encephalitis, epilepsy, or obesity may contribute to the disorder. Some people appear to have a genetic predisposition to hypersomnia; in others, there is no known cause. Hypersomnia typically affects adolescents and young adults, although the most common causes of the condition for the two age cohorts differ.
Need help linking symptoms together, What might I have? Have a long wait for Dr. Appt… and…?
Q: Research a combination of Symptoms… What might I have? I can’t find anything that would tie all of these symptoms together: I MIGHT even paypal someone a few bucks to the best if they don’t just go copy from obvious medical sites. I could do that myself and I’ve been to most of them. It may take some cross research or a google guru. I used to party hardy so I imagine I did some damage in all of those years. Plz try to include ALL symptoms.1. Thin, Brittle, Yellow-ish Nails with Vertical Small Vertical Ridges (Fingers) 2. Abdominal Swelling3. Frequent Urination (new)4. EXTREMELY DRY FEET (new)5. LEGS/FEET/HANDS splotchy dark red/purple-ish when cold or no reason. KNEES always very dark red! 6. Palms of hands always red.7. Thinning/Dry Hair8. Fatigue- Hypersomnia (too much sleep) or Insomnia9. Anxiety/Forgetful10. Myoclonic jerks (muscle jerks while resting or falling asleep)Ask, if you have a “Q”!Stats:Lady/Smoker/Recently Quit Drinking/ NEVER Drugs,
A: When was the last time your doctor did a blood work up? It sounds like a thyroid issue, possibly diabetes, maybe lymphedema or vein problems added, would need to know more like what tests you had, when you last had them etc.The brittle yellow nails can come from lymphedema and thyroid but also smoking. the abdominal swelling can be fluid retention or possibly kidney problems. The red splotches indicate circulation issues along with palms, and the muscle spasms while resting would indicate a possible restless leg syndrome.What you need is a complete blood work up to include thyroid T3 and T4 levels, diabetes and organ tests, and based on that, a urine culture, if you have not had a female exam in awhile get one to rule out cysts which can cause abdominal swelling and pressure on veins. Might need a pelvic ultrasound too, veinogram to rule out venous insufficiency and then go from there based on the results. To me, I can’t diagnosis but it sounds like vein problems, coupled with thyroid issues, but need to rule out organ problems and female too.The T3 or T4 levels even if they are normal or low end normal might not be normal for you as we are all individuals. The range might be 21-50 and you are 20, that’s low and the dr might not consider it to be bad but it could be bad for yo uso you need to see the test results and go over them with him.
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