What are the symptoms of catatonic schizophrenia

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Mutism, excitement, posturing, negativism, rigidity, and waxy flexibility are all symptoms of catatonic schizophrenia. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-catatonic-schizophrenia ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of catatonic schizophrenia
What are symptoms of CATATONIC SCHIZOPHRENIA ?
catatonic schizophrenia; catatonic type schizophrenia; catatonia
Does catatonia influence the phenomenology of childhood onset sch…?
Bonnot O, Tanguy ML, Consoli A, Cornic F, Graindorge C, Laurent C, Tordjman S, Cohen D.

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Could someone with catatonic schizophrenia have clear-headed moments or days?
Q: Could someone with catatonic schizophrenia have moments/days/episodes where they’re clear headed and visibly symptom-free?
A: From what I have heard, the answer is no. You may want to call a doctor and ask that though.
Q: Ok this is really confusing, ive been reading up on symptoms of Schizophrenia some are confusing and would much appreciate some examples of each. DelusionsHallucinations Disorganized speech Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior Negative symptoms (“flattening” of one’s emotions, alogia, avolition) what do these mean? Last thing could a delusion be considered seeing a girl looking at you then assuming she likes you? Or thinking you’re a pretty good looking guy? These probally seem so dumb.
A: delusions are a fixed false beliefactual ex. The spoons keep telling me what to do!actual ex. The walls are bleeding!hallucinations something you see (visual) or hear (auditory)actual ex. Patient calls the police and reports 4 dead bloody bodies in the lounge of a psych hospitalactual ex. The beast says he is coming to get me!disorganized speechPerseveration ex. I need a pen, pen, penecholalia ex. repeating what you say Would you like this one or this one? Response “this one or this one”word salad ex. unintelligible speechtangential ex. run on about the topicflight of ideas ex. change topicneologisms ex. a made up word My jujamba hurtsthese are only some examples of disorganized speechcatatonic they don’t move, and I mean like for weeksnegative symptomsflat affect no emotionblunted affect restricted emotionavolition- a lack of desirealogia- poverty of speech minimal answersanhedonia-no pleasure in thingsNo delusions are more bizarre than that
Is Christianity just another form of Schizophrenia?
Q: Here are just a few symptoms of Schizophrenia: * Hallucinations. These usually involve hearing noises or voices, but they can involve all the senses-seeing, tasting, touching, hearing, or smelling something that is not there. * Delusions. These are firmly held but false beliefs. Some common experiences include thinking you are a powerful person, or that you are being persecuted or chased by the police or by demons. * Disordered (confused) thinking and speech that does not make any sense. Examples include inappropriate responses to questions, not being able to respond with enough information, or always giving a one-word reply to questions. * Bizarre or disorganized behavior. Usually the behavior involves being overly excited, angry, or unresponsive to other people. It may also include bizarre body movements, such as rocking back and forth or grimacing repeatedly. * Inappropriate emotions, such as smiling when speaking of sad topics or laughing for no reason.Some people with schizophrenia also have unusual symptoms, such as jerking eye movements.Other symptoms can occur, depending on the type of schizophrenia you have: * Paranoid schizophrenia causes unreasonable fears due to misinterpretations of what is going on around you. * Catatonic schizophrenia causes peculiar behaviors such as standing in an awkward position for long periods of time. * Disorganized schizophrenia causes unusual speech and behavior, such as making up words or constantly rhyming words.Symptoms of schizophrenia usually emerge during adolescence or early adulthood and may appear suddenly or develop gradually. When symptoms develop gradually, they may be misdiagnosed with other conditions with similar symptoms, such as bipolar disorder or substance abuse (which commonly occurs with schizophrenia).Errr…you guys check all the boxes. Go see a Doctor.
A: btw I trashed those earrings you gave me. Disgusting!!
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