What are the symptoms of a tape worm

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptoms of a tape worm”,you can compare them.

Often there are no symptoms Most people who are infected with tapeworm don’t show symptoms. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-a-tape-worm ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of a tape worm
What are some symptoms of tape worm?
I don’t think its a tape worm because tape worms eat all your food so i don’t think you’d gain weight, other symptoms include no stool, you don’t poo … if you think that there is something wrong you should consult a doctor go to a clinic …
What are the symptoms of tape worm in humans?
if it is a tapeworm an often overlooked symptom is discolored stool (at least in the fish variety – because the worms eat and then digest in your intestines) – has there been a huge difference in the texture and color of your stool (i know …
Is Swollen Belly A Symptom Of Tape Worms In Cats?
Swollen belly is a sign of many things. Can be parasites but can also be a sign of alot of other serious things. FIP, infection, injury, organ problem./failure to name a few. You should have your kitty checked out and you can do a fecal fir…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are the symptoms for tape worm?
Q: what would the symptoms be for a human who had tapeworm?
A: Symptoms Tapeworm infestation does not usually cause any symptoms. Infection is generally recognized when the infected person passes segments of proglottids in the stool, especially if the segment is moving.Exams and Tests The stool will be examined for eggs of T. solium or T. saginata. Segments of worm may be seen in stool.
What are the symptoms that a dog has a tape worm?
Q: Her appetite has changed recently. For a few days, she had a much smaller appetite, and now she has a bigger appetite again. And I have been noticing some rice like stuff in her poop. And how hard is it to treat if she does have a tape worm?
A: The rice things in the poop is probably tapeworms. I bet if you look REALLY close, they move slightly. Classic symptom of tape worms. It’s easy to treat, just a visit to the vet, or if you already have a vet and your pet is otherwise healthy, you can just take a sample of the poop for them to examine. If they’re big enough that you can see them in the feces, they won’t need to do a fecal exam, they’ll just prescribe a pill for about $25 and then do another in a few weeks. You’ll then have to have the dog tested to make sure they’re completely gone.Your dog probably also has at least a mild case of fleas. Dogs get tapeworms when they eat a flea that is infected. No joke. You’ll need to get your dog on advantage of frontline also to prevent him from getting the worms again.
what are some symptoms of tape worm for dogs, or puppies?
A: segmented tape worms are common in puppies. They wont show any real physical signs, but their stools will have white things that look like white rice
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